#gayme liveblogging



if i don’t find a shiny magikarp before the pokego water event is over i’m going to be so

been having some Crazy good luck in the less than a month i got back into pokego versus the like, five*shinies i ever found between 2016 and 2019

JEESUS h christ they just keep making the s4 interface uglier and uglier

getting back into pokego has been REALLY good for turning my “i need to lose weight ):” quarantine depression into “i need to HATCH all these goddamn 10KM EGGS

Dragonflight doesn’t even have to be good, at this point i’m just excited to see all the assholes who’ve made a career out of being lore police on WrA and the forums pissing their pants bc the dragon rpers won

i know everyone who follows an ff blog has had to look at these all day. but now i’m making you looki know everyone who follows an ff blog has had to look at these all day. but now i’m making you look

i know everyone who follows an ff blog has had to look at these all day. but now i’m making you look at two more

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YEE, and, i can’t stress this enough, HAWYEE, and, i can’t stress this enough, HAW

YEE, and, i can’t stress this enough, HAW

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art’s been slow gomenn. more boyfriend jacketart’s been slow gomenn. more boyfriend jacketart’s been slow gomenn. more boyfriend jacket

art’s been slow gomenn. more boyfriend jacket

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feeling an intense pull towards playing sims 4 again curbed only by how badly i Do Not want to sort through 2,000 individual cc files

i didnt know the dragon skeletons falling out of the sky was such a common glitch because i have a ‘no fast travel’ rule when i play, just strictly carriages or horseback! but now im insanely curious how badly i can fuck up my game

the fun thing about the vastness of skyrim is that every new save you make is unique in its own way! for example my current save likes to crash whenever i cross a stone bridge. i can go UNDER the bridge. or next to it. those things just do not like my gay little elf feet touching them directly

look, i stand by my infinite love for anduin wrynn, but man. every writing choice just winds up viciously scrubbed from my brain as soon as i read it. “part of me found it exhilarating”, get the fuck outta here man

i never even had strong feelings about cubone for my entire 90s kid life until i saw it crying in 3D for the first time in Detective Pikachu and felt my brain go, “that’s my baby now”

i expect MANY wolxnpc screenshots with those new golden saucer poses or i WILL riot against every player personally
