#gbbo liveblog


I’ve got nothing to say about this week because bread is a bit boring tbh

Lemon tarts!

I made more but they’ve already been eaten by me & my boyfriend

Oh look, yet another week where the bakers aren’t given enough time to actually complete their bakes.

What a surprise. I am so shocked. This is so unexpected.

“Should I really trust Paul?”

No. No you should not.

But always trust Jürgen.

“He’ll tease you forever.”

Probably not Prue. Maggie’s bags have already packed themselves.

Paul complaining that all the bakes need more time as if he didnt set the flipping time limit

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it until I’m blue in the face. Paul Hollywood has never and will never make half the crap these bakers are forced to do

A sensitive, tender, emotional biscuit is the new in thing. Coming to supermarkets near you

Jürgen is a mad lad. Pretty bold move using that much cinnamon

They’ve gone too hard too soon with the showstoppers. What happened to a gradual build up???

First of all everyone has heard of malt loaf.

Second of all where it the squish Prue? That loaf looked a bit dry.

Third of all what is with the orange crap on the top?

Chocolate and flowers will cover a multitude of sins

Got cracks in your cake? Cover it in chocolate

Feeling sad? Eat chocolate

Paul being a dickhead? Buy yourself some flowers and have some chocolate

The level of chaotic energy radiating from Lizzie and Noel is giving me life in ways I never thought possible

“Are you worried about the judges at all?”


He’s already my favourite!

The only one to kiss the spatula!

Paul is a handshake hoe.
