#gen lock


I really enjoyed his bad jokes.  


Finally the new holons are here!

And we only have one episode to see them??? Aw man. D:


Dr.Weller: Do you ever wonder why we’re here?

Just to suffer?

One of my theories for gen:LOCK…

Maybe the doc is not dead? I have talked with a few people in my server about it. Some believe he has a copy of his mind somewhere stored and that might be the Omega protocol. Which makes a lot of sense, too.

I had another theory, but who knows if I’m right. The other sounds more plausible. I was thinking that the bomb he set of was just a really strong EMP that only effected machines, ectronics, robots, etc. So maybe everything around him exploded, but he himself might still be safe? Who knows.

Did just everyone fucking die???
