

Genderweird: A term used to describe those whose gender cannot be described by any existing label, or cannot be pinned down as such.

See also: Novigender, Genderstrange.

Term coined by: Unknown


[image description: a flag with fifteen stripes. the stripes form a rainbow, starting with orange at the top, and fading into yellow, green, blue, purple, and red]Full size [Here]

Designed by: Unknown

Color meanings: Unknown, likely a lot of colors together to visually symbolize the “weirdness” of this gender.

Full pride gallery HERE! FAQ and “dictionary” of genders, orientations, and other related terms HERE. Send any questions to Ask-Pride-Color-Schemes!



““The mannerisms that help define gender - the way in which people walk,swing their hips, gesture with their hands, move their mouths and eyes when they talk, take up space - are all based upon how non disabled people move…The construct of gender depends not only upon the male body and female body, but also on the non disabled body.””

— Eli Clare, Exile and Pride: Disability, Queerness, and Liberation

“I no longer have a gender. Rather, I have a wheelchair.”

—Christina Crosby, A Body, Undone.
