#general tag



Yeehawgust (no prompt) New Start

Saying goodbye to an old life (and to Yeehawgust)


not too late for yeehawgust I hope?

chac-ozai: an extremely late version of a yeehawgust post featuring Chacito, Sirius and Tel@ryu-no-j


an extremely late version of a yeehawgust post featuring Chacito, Sirius and Tel


Post link
avoyagetoarcturus: Maeve and Dolores from Westworld Season 1 by my roommate’s request for Yeehawgust


Maeve and Dolores from Westworld Season 1 by my roommate’s request for Yeehawgust. Can I get a yeehaw for cyberpunk gnosticism?!

Tried to take a very meta photo of them in an actual Wild West theme park. ;-)

Post link

it’s two of you against three of them. choose your battle partner wisely.

hey guys! what’s up, i haven’t touched this account in a good while.

account updates:

might be a bit more active from now on since i got a new laptop after my 6 year old one kicked the bucket. mainly bought this one so i have an easier time compiling the Mastacemblid (spiny eel) database i’m writing up. my goal with that is to have a complete guide of all the recognized spiny eels with their correct pictures, descriptions, and locations.

i have no idea when any of these asks are from or where to start for the DMs. for future reference, the easiest way to reach me with eel questions is on discord. i’m eelpatrickharris #2942 on there. if you’re in Fish Tea or even Fishcord, you should be able to DM me immediately! if not, just send a quick friend request, i’ll accept it when i see the notification. if you have fish medical questions, those are best asked in an active server like the two above.

fish and eel updates:

Gregolas the borneo python eel now lives about 8 hours away with @bigtiddymegatron69, thanks to Todd’s eel transport service, since he was getting the crap beat out of him by Nikolai and Craigory. i’ve accumulated a few more Macrognathus and a Mastacembelus sp. “Nargis” eel named Lurgis, a purple Erythrinus sp. of some sort named Jellybean, a 75 gallon filled to the brim with 16+ botia sidthimunki and yoyos and kubotai and mismarked clown loaches, and an L240 galaxy vampire pleco. might throw up some updated pictures later after i scrub the diatoms and green spot algae off my tank glass.

that should be it for general housekeeping. nice to see all of you again!

justnoodlefishthings: @eelpatrickharrisi’ve never seen a more accurate image of me



i’ve never seen a more accurate image of me

Post link

so, i’ve been ignoring this account lately because 1) it’s tumblr and 2) i’ve been very busy with stuff in my personal life. finishing up my bachelor’s with some summer classes, work, family, fish, friends, that sort of thing. (note: not abandoning my tumblr or anything, just taking a break.) 

those guides i’ve promised will be coming sometime, but probably in july. when i can field questions and also set aside a lot of time to write them and cite my info. gotta do the one on bettas, and an intro to fishkeeping, and an accurate list of fish that can comfortably be kept in small tanks.

however, i amactive over on discord! that’s where most of my fish pictures and gifs and stories end up going these days. if you want to join the fishkeeping server i run along with anabantoid, justnoodlefishthings, dragonpaws, and dragonwives; here’s the link! https://discord.gg/QN8Ad6V it’s a fun little community with a wide range of members. even if you’re simply interested in fish, you’re welcome to come on in.
