#genre classics



Book prompt- Published before you were born: To the lighthouse- Virginia Woolf: I finally made it! I wanted to read this book for literal ages and I started it this year, but only now finished it. I didn’t really like it unfortunately. Neither the story nor the characters were interesting to me.


May 2, 2022

Mr Knightley: *speaks* | Me:

I’m back and still alive! Last month was just *studying* *essay reading* *studying*. But with the first exam of the semester now gone for good, I am allowing myself to have the outrageously excessive amount of free time that is two (2) days before starting with preparing the next one. Which means, of course, that I can finally read for pleasure again! Though I must admit that only the buddy read, the 2022 Genre Bingo, and my future BA in English Literature are pushing me forward in reading Emma. I hate books with unlikable protagonists with a passion, what can I say.
