#genre season11

spnlittlebro: Hurt!Sam special edition rec list #2 - WINCEST EDITIONDoses of Home by brokenlittleb


Hurt!Sam special edition rec list #2 - WINCEST EDITION

Doses of Homebybrokenlittleboy
Summary: Takes place almost immediately after ‘Red Meat.’ Dean’s worried about Sam. Sam’s worried about Dean. Comforting ensues. 

Bullet Bruisedbysmalltrolven
Summary: Sometimes the smallest piece of metal can make everything better between them.

It’s A Love Storybynon_tiemblo_mala
Summary:  Brother cuddles, confessions, and sweet banter after the boys get back to the bunker.

There’s No Normal After That by fenix21
Summary: After everything we survived together, I had to watch the man I love die… You can’t lose him… Michelle’s and Billie’s words are rattling around in Dean’s head long after he and Sam get back on the road, and Dean’s having a hell of a time dealing with how precisely they happen to fit how he feels about the man sitting shotgun with him. 

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