#genshin domestic

About: Reader is a member of the Kamisato Clan, as well as an artist. They’re visiting the main estate for the summer, where they get to catch up with a good friend ☀
Thank you @simplypotz​ for the trade!
Commissions Open!

Summer in Inazuma was a time of festivals, fireworks, and of course, bright and sunny weather. Ever since your youth you’d always gone to visit the Kamisato estate for the holidays, and this year was no different.

It was hard not to admire Ayaka when she and her brother were so accomplished and well-versed in many things. Much time has passed though, and you’ve become an established artist yourself!

There was no doubt that you enjoyed your craft and strived to deliver the best to your customers, which was why you ended up spending the first portion of your holiday in your guestroom. The concept sketch for your latest commission was already approved, so all there was left to do was to bring it to life! The last three days were spent on this seeing as it was a rather large canvas you worked on, but you were satisfied with the results so far. 

It was tiring, sure - but pride welled up in your chest whenever you stepped back to see it in its whole. It was a nostalgic illustration of a couple walking through the seasons, with little details to signify the growth of their relationship. It was so idealistic that it made your heart ache; your commissioner truly loved their parents to order such a painting of their legacy.

Two knocks sounded against the door of your room, calling your name to inquire if they may enter. You hummed in reply, to which Thoma slipped in quietly so as to not disturb your focus.

A tray was placed on the table as he sat down beside it, thoughtfully watching as you flitted around the room to add colors here and there, mixing the paints and rinsing your brush. 

Thoma was done with most of his work by the time he visited you like this, but you were aware not to subject him to too much strain despite that; the two of you tended to spend these moments in comfortable silence. You finally placed your materials down, deeming it time to let the paint dry.

You quickly washed your hands by the door leading to the patio, leaving it open a bit so that the fumes wouldn’t get to either of your heads. Noticing that Thoma had brought your favorite snacks and drink, you couldn’t help but smile as you sat and clasped your hands in thanks for the meal.

In the past you used to have tea-time with your friends too - albeit it was just eating whilst the adults were talking. You preferred this more; Thoma may not be traditionally part of the family, but he’s brought his own charms and familiarities to the clan. His presence made you feel like an equal and listened to, which was something you hoped to give back to him over time.

“Are you planning to visit the city this week?” Thoma asked. Will you be finishing up by then?

You nodded, glancing at your work thoughtfully. “I am. I think it’ll only take two more days to finalize this, but before that I have to get more paint.”

“I’ll order them for you,”

“We can maybe go together.” You caught yourself, clearing your throat. “I mean, if you’re available for that, that is. It’s just that I would like to stretch my legs a bit, so even if you’re busy I would go by myself. A bit of a walk would be good for my creative flow, and buying supplies myself always feels better…”

Thoma chuckled - it was a gentle sound. “Regardless of your reasons, it would only feel right if I came along; both as a housekeeper and friend. So if you’re fine with it, I’d be delighted to accompany you.” 

You nodded gratefully. “In that case, I’ll be in your care!”

The view from Ritou’s docks was a sight you wished you could capture forever. The azure water dyed with warm oranges from the Sun paired incredibly well with scarlet trees. Even if you did appreciate the beauty of sakura blossoms, this sight felt tranquil beyond anything else you’d normally see. 

Your legs hung from your seat on the wooden walkway, and you’d sometimes swing them in the air as you spoke. With the water glistening and playing in the early evening, your worries lightened bit by bit. You and Thoma were taking a break after running errands together, while bags of paint and cooking ingredients sat beside him as he fished out a spyglass. You peered curiously when he smiled, beckoning you to come closer.

“Can you see that?” His voice was soft from beside you, tentative as he pointed towards a boat floating in the distance. “Sometimes people like to go out onto the water to watch the sunset. The Sun shines the same around the nations, after all, so it’s like a balm for homesickness.”

You held your breath as your gaze focused on the vessel. Briefly, you noticed figures moving on the deck. “Do you ever get homesick, Thoma?”

“Hmm… I do sometimes, but I chose to stay in Inazuma at my own accord.” You leaned back to say something else, only to feel your heart leap when you almost bumped heads with him.

Too close!

“Sorry! I was just trying to–” Thoma gestured at the spyglass, storing it away as he moved to give you space. “Are you alright?”

“Yes, I was just surprised!” You placed a hand on your heart to calm yourself. “Archons, that was clumsy of me.”

“We all have our moments.” He laughed. 

“But I’ve never seen you like that.” You tried to recall the times you’ve seen him flustered or airheaded - coming up empty, you shrugged with a fond smile. “You just seem too perfect to be real sometimes.”

His reply was murmured so you didn’t manage to catch it. Noticing your confusion, Thoma reiterated: “Maybe you’ll find that to be untrue if you spent more time with me.”

“Is that an offer-?”

“Ihave been told that I’m a good host.” He returned. “Perhaps not perfect, but hopefully there’s some charm in that.”


The feeling of freedom from a job well done was one you enjoyed dearly; you felt yourself bubbly with energy as you went out to the city to unwind, the marketplace alive with chatter and the comforting aroma of local cuisine. Falling into conversation with Thoma was easy, and it was only a bit ago when the topic went to interesting places around Inazuma.

“I do like visiting Chinju Forest,” Thoma considered. “It feels really magical there, especially since it’s a place with eternal nightfall.”

You felt a smile tugging at your mouth. “I remember you were interested in the tanuki. Apparently Sayu won’t teach you their arts no matter how much you try?” 

“Yep.” He sighed. “It’s a shame because of how cool it is, like how they can even shapeshift into items – it would’ve been such a useful skill to have.”

“Just what would you have used that for…?” You mused as you took a bite of dango. Your mood brightened as its sweetness met your tongue. “Oh, these are good.”

“Food is always better fresh! Not that I mind bringing meals to your room, but this kind of experience is always nicer.” It’s been a while since you’ve had time to catch up, after all. There were stories and restaurants that he’d like to introduce you to.

Mhm,” You hummed. “The setting is half of the experience, after all.” No matter how convenient it was to have things delivered, getting to wander around with friends was fun. “Chinju Forest… I guess in my case I’d love to visit Watatsumi Island.” 

You weren’t able to travel there freely because of the conflict from the Vision Hunt Decree, but now that it was resolved…

“I think we could arrange that.” Noticing your interest, he started to explain. “The Clan Head was thinking about sending some gifts over, so if you’d like you could tag along.”

“Would that really be alright?” Your brow furrowed. “You’ve already done a lot for me. Even if I’m part of the clan, I shouldn’t impose on you too much.”

“You’re an artist, aren’t you?” There was a fond glimmer in his eyes. “It’s only natural that you’d want to see the world, and I’d love to have your company.”

You had always wanted to visit Watatsumi Island for its breathtaking colors and plants. You heard of its mountains and waterfalls, brought to life with soft hues of beautiful pinks and purples. How mesmerizing would it be to explore a place with bubbles and jellyfish in the air?

But right now with the person before you, you considered that there were other things that could enchant you just as much - if not more.
