#genshin impact thoma x reader


reminiscence || thoma



genre: angst to fluff? i think

contains:set after chapter ii act iii, thoma missing pre!vision hunt decree you :((

summary:the universe was a cruel mistress, but also a merciful one. plagued by memories of a former lover, thoma strives to return to normality.

notes: you guys wanted another part, so here it is :)) also perfect time for a fic involving remembering since unus annus’s one year anniversary is nearing <3

parts:[stripped (1)] | [reminiscence (2)]

“i’m sorry. i can’t seem to remember anything right now. who were you again?”

his whole world shattered right then and there.

in the second following those words escaping your mouth, thoma found himself on the floor. his knees throbbed as the pain flooded his system. taroumaru had jumped off the counter to nuzzle into his side.

“i’m sorry!” you immediately shouted, rushing over to join him on the hardwood floor.

he doesn’t respond, opting to reach up and wrap his arms around you. you jumped at that moment before relaxing. although you had no recollection of your relation to him, it just felt right to have him hold onto you.

“(n…name),” he sobbed into your neck, tightening his hold on you when you wrapped your arms around him. “(n-name)… (naaame)…”

he continued to whine and call out to you, despite holding you as close as he could. and that didn’t bother you one bit.

sure, he was heartbroken that you didn’t remember him. but he would spend an eternity waiting for you to return to the life you both planned to have together.

he was relieved to hear that you would be staying with him in the komore teahouse. not only could he keep an eye on you and your wellbeing, but… maybe he could build new memories with you.

he loved the you before, of course. he would give anything to see that version of you again. he would love to wake up to see the you that fits so well with him. the you that completed him.

just like that night the gods looked upon you and gifted you with a vision.

the vision that complimented his oh so well.

but, he couldn’t. not now at least. that version of you had been taken away, sealed behind the glass covering of your electro vision, and showcased in the archon statue that overlooked the nation.

and since he couldn’t have that iteration of you back, he would just stick with the one he had now. the you that he would love until beyond the end of eternity.

“(name)! let’s have a hot pot tonight!” he had shouted one night. he had already found himself perched in the seat embedded in the ground, motioning towards the large metal pot stationed in the middle of the table.

you stared at him for a moment, as if debating whether or not thoma had ulterior motives. did he want to poison you?

sensing the hesitation, he merely patted the space beside him with his signature bright smile on his face. he wasn’t completely bothered. was he hurt? of course he was! but he wasn’t going to let that dampen the plans he had.

he just wanted to pretend everything was normal.

“we don’t have to play the hot pot game!” he reassured. “i just want to eat with you!”

“…hot pot game?” you echoed, finally making your way over to sit beside him. “what’s that?”

“hm? ah, well, it’s a game where everyone brings their own ingredients and we make it into a hot pot. then, each person was to eat some and guess the ingredients! but, we won’t be doing that tonight.”

“oh… so what are we going to do?”

“just… this,” he took a deep breath before scooting closer to you, sliding off the seat to situate himself in between your legs, his back resting against the ledge. his legs were uncomfortably squished against his chest and his toes pressed against the table. how he managed to squeeze into that small space was beyond you.

“thoma?!” you cried out, reaching over to try and pull him up. his sudden seating in front of you caused you to scoot back, pressing your calves against the dip in the floor. “you’re gonna get hurt down there!”

“will i?” he hummed softly, craning his neck to look up at you. the moment you reached down to place your hands on his face, cupping his cheeks and emitting small electro tingles from your fingers, he immediately felt his body and mind relax.

he practically melted under your touch, placing his hand on top of yours and nuzzling his face into your palm. you lightly chuckled as he let out a soft sigh into your hand, ignoring the ache he was bound to get from his cramped position.

and just as how the hot pot game became a tradition, simply reveling in each other’s presence while sharing a normal meal in komore teahouse became another, one the two of you would cherish forever.

“thoma!” you, the present you, shouted to interrupt thoma’s mind wandering. by the time he had realized where he was, you had already served him a portion of the hot pot that had been left to cook on the table in front of you. “the food’s ready.”

“huh?” no wonder he felt at ease despite you not remembering your beloved tradition. when he had looked down, he realized your arms were thrown over him and draped over his shoulders, simply resting there as you tried to stir him out of his thoughts. “…right.”

“hey, taroumaru,” you greeted as the small shiba inu bounded over to you. he let out soft barks and yips as he nuzzled into your leg, practically begging you to pet him. once you placed your hand on his head, he leaped on his hind paws and placed his front paws on your legs, nuzzling into your palm.

from the doorway of your rented-out room, thoma peeked in from the hallway. a small smile had found its way on his face as he watched you coo to the small dog.

“thoma! look! there’s more of them!” you gasped as the dogs gathered by the tree charged at you, jumping at you with their tails wagging and tongues sticking out. the cats, as always, simply stared at you and thoma as you walked closer to their spot. “the weather’s getting cooler… we should make them something to wear soon!”

he missed those days, too. the days when the two of you were able to take a few minutes off from work and visit the animals that gathered around the tree.

he wondered how they were. he should bring you to visit them again soon…

“we… can leave now?” you asked quietly, hesitantly reaching out to grab thoma’s arm. all you knew was this small teahouse run by taroumaru. long had you forgotten the wonders of inazuma outside out of fear for your life.

“the traveler did it!” thoma grinned, covering your hand with his own. “the vision hunt degree is over! and…”

his eyes wandered back down to the rope that used to hold your vision, still empty yet tied in the same way it had been the night you obtained it.

“we can get you your vision back,” he muttered, wrapping his arm around you. he closed his eyes as he stepped in front of the door, placing his hand on it as he prayed.

he prayed to whoever would listen that your vision would return.

he prayed to whoever would listen that youwould return.

when thoma stilled for his prayers, you glanced up at him. you knew what he wanted, ever since your arrival at komore teahouse. you knew that he longed for the old you back. you would catch him whimpering in his sleep on the days you first arrived.

he would clutch onto his pillow, burying his face into the cloth as he called out for you. he would cry and whimper, just as he did when he first saw your amnesiac state. even when you curled up into his arms, his sobs would not cease.

“thoma,” you called, placing your hand over his on the door. his eyes shot open to glance down at you, prompting you to grin up at him. “let’s… let’s go home, okay?”


as the two of you push open the door, you were immediately greeted by a set of familiar faces outside. ayato and ayaka stood side by side and the young ninja of the shuumatsuban sayu, accompanied by the shrine maiden kano, stood behind them. ayaka greeted the both of you with a small wave while ayato simply nodded, his eyes flitting down to his hands which were folded on top of each other, concealing something in his palms.

“is that…?” thoma immediately asked, pointing towards ayato’s hands with shaking fingers.

“it is,” ayato smiled softly before stepping in front of you, clearing his throat. he moved his hands out before stating, “(name). i believe this rightfully belongs to you.”

he opened his hands to reveal the dimly lit vision in his palms, its once bright purple interior waiting to spark once more. you slowly reached out, your fingers barely grazing the glass before you felt… something.

something familiar.

“l-look at you. our elements… are a perfect match.”

“they are… aren’t they?”


“thoma! open wide!”



“they’re acting like children, thoma! they’re so cute!”

“it’s our little family, huh?”

“love? can you hear me?”

“thank you for handling the work today… i won’t be long, i promise!”

“don’t worry about it, dear. take your time, okay?”

“(name)! please, answer me…!”

“i love you!”

“i…” you finally managed to utter something, your head shooting up to look at thoma as he paused in shaking you.

“are you okay, (name)?” thoma asked, his grip on your shoulders tightening slightly. “are you hurt?”

“no, i…” you gulped, your tears that you had unknowingly built up over the course of your stay at komore teahouse threatening to spill out.


“i-i love you so much, thoma,” you finally sobbed, leaping forward to wrap your arms around him. you buried your face in his neck, mumbling into his skin, “i’m so sorry…”

“(name)…” thoma sniffled before returning the gesture, allowing himself to squeeze you closer to him and bury his face in your shoulder. “don’t apologize, love.”

he managed to pull himself away from your shoulder, lightly placing his hand on the back of your head. you continued to sob into his neck as he pressed a kiss into your hair. despite your vision just being returned to you, he felt a little shock against his lips. he quietly laughed, his voice strained as he felt tears build up once more. he continued to press light kisses on your head, reveling in the shocks from the reaction between your visions.

just like the night you gained your complimentary vision, it seemed as though the universe brought you together.
