#geoff mcfetridge

Elliptical Fader by Geoff McFetridge via Juxtapoz Magazine

Elliptical Fader by Geoff McFetridge via Juxtapoz Magazine

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Bicycle drawings by Geoff McFetridgeOn cycling in LA:“You have to kind of get through that first layBicycle drawings by Geoff McFetridgeOn cycling in LA:“You have to kind of get through that first lay

Bicycle drawings by Geoff McFetridge

Oncycling in LA:

“You have to kind of get through that first layer of Los Angeles before you get to what is awesome about the city. It’s a texture. It’s a collage. And the bicycle is like a cross-fader. The bicycle is a way to travel between these things that mix. How do you read a place by looking at the space between the things it appears to be? The bicycle travels in that space.”

Onthe difference between art and cycling

“I guess the point is keeping your eyes wide open to the world around you. My artwork is so much about looking inward and cycling helps me stay exposed and keep looking outwards. Having it in my life has always felt like a gift – it is so cathartic. I start a ride worried about something and end it without any worries at all.”

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