#geometric sculpture

Liz Larner — 2001, fiberglass, stainless steel, and automotive paint, 12′ x 12′ 2001.…[a] rei

Liz Larner2001, fiberglass, stainless steel, and automotive paint, 12′ x 12′ 2001.

…[a] reinterpretation of the two quintessential geometric forms of modernist sculpture—the sphere and the cube. It represents six different points of progression between these two shapes, all superimposed on one common center point to create a multifaceted three-dimensional object. Twelve feet high, deep and wide, and painted in green and purple iridescent urethane, 2001 is an enigmatic shape-shifter; its contour and color change with the viewer’s angle and the overall light conditions so that it seems to be both at rest and undergoing metamorphosis.

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