#george on drugs

The Beatles on location in Obertauern, Austria, during the filming of Help!, 1965; photo by Chris Ki

The Beatles on location in Obertauern, Austria, during the filming of Help!, 1965; photo by Chris Kindahl.

George Harrison: “You see, a big change happened in 1966, particularly to John and myself, because a dentist we were having dinner with put this LSD in our coffee. Now, people who’ve taken that will know what I’m talking about, and anybody who hasn’t taken it won’t have a clue because — it transforms you. After that, I didn’t need it ever again. That’s the thing about LSD: you don’t need it twice.”
Selina Scott: “You’ve only taken it once?”
GH: “Oh, no, I took it lots of times. [laughs] But I only needed it once.” - West 57th Street, 1987

Q: “Finally, any recent acid flashbacks you care to share?”
George Harrison: “[laughs] No, no, that doesn’t happen to me anymore. I’ve got my own cosmic lighting conductor now. Nature supports me.” - Guitar World, interview conducted in 1992, published in January 2001 (x)

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