#german ch


Finally, I give its grand opening! It is called…



(Yes, I’m actually going to keep the “Ahoy” thing now.)

Basically, it’s a channel of mine where I post videos on how to pronounce certain sounds as some of these sounds could apply to you in some way.

Need help on German Ch? I got two videos for each one!

Need help with French Nasal Vowels? Just jump right in! (After some fundamental links of course but you’ll thank me later for showing you them.)

And I have videos for Welsh LL and more to come…

I not only just post sounds, but also very very very important concepts to learn. Like what rounding, voicing, or affricates are. Learning these can tremendously expand you’re ability to pronounce foreign sounds. Those can do what simple one sound videos can’t.

So check it out if you want some very different tips on the subject. I base the sounds off of things you know and can relate with rather than say too many weird complex terms and expect you to get it.

But then again, everyone has a different way of learning, maybe mine can do justice?
