#get vaccinated


Surgery was yesterday. It all went really well. You can tell I’m good based on fact I’m posting the day *after*. & I’m doing really good w the hip recovery, but my heart rate & blood pressure keep dropping (possibly leftover reaction to anesthesia), so PT doesn’t wanna push me too hard for that reason, so I’m staying one more night. Mostly biggest issue is so sore from being stuck in bed. . Anybody wants to do something for me - Go Get Vaccinated! It’s my new love language. My meds suppress how many antibodies I can even make, but like the more ppl vaccinated, sooner we stamp this out & I ain’t gotta worry. Bc it sucks having to wear a mask 24/7 in here, even when I sleep. It’s required for staff, optional for patients, but last night I heard my roommate coughing, probably a post-surgery post-intubation cough, but I’m not taking any chances. So there’s that. Will try to update again on Saturday or Sunday, when I’ve been home a day or two.

3rd shot in the arm today!! Whoohoo! Who’d have thunk I’d be psyched to get a shot. TBH, I have been nervous because - even tho my test results showed I made some antibodies - I am on one of the meds listed as preventing ppl from making a high amount of antibodies. Like my Drs just haven’t been sure if I’ve really been protected. Hopefully now I am. #GetVaccinated to help protect me even more! (Seriously, I don’t wanna get Covid. Pls help protect me. This has been my Ted Talk).

“‘Tis the Season (of sky-rocketing case numbers, increasingly agressive science deniers, and despair in the face of my fellow humans)Again.”
