#geto suguru x blackreader


Pairing: Geto Suguru x reader x Gojo Satoru

Summary: You had to go out of the country for work leaving you all alone. The guys miss you and you miss them, thankfully the three of you have a few creative solutions to satisfy your cravings for each other.

Requests: A few people requesting seeing more of Geto and Gojo together so this is answering that request in full.

Roommate Things Master List

A/N: This could probably be read as a stand alone, but I highly recommend reading the series. btw comments mean that you get more stuff like this sooner.

Warnings: NSFW, 18+. Minors Do Not Interact, Fellatio, Cunnilingus, Anal sex, choking, hair pulling, Masturbation, exhibitionism, voyeurism, phone sex, somnophilia (very consensual), cum eating, overstimulation, vaginal sex, cockwarming, Gojo’s breeding kink (lol)

You didn’t often travel in your line of work. Everything you needed to do, could be done with a laptop and a little peace and quiet. However, with your new position as Senior Creative Director, there were a lot of moving pieces, people you needed to talk to, photo shoots you had to be sure got the right shots, and after the last shoot overseas had some technical difficulties, you went with your design team and the photography team to oversee everything and help them be a bit more organized. Initially, you were excited at the prospect of travel even if it was for work. It was for two whole weeks so you would have plenty of time to sight see after work. Geto had dropped you off at the airport, and you were so busy the first couple of days that you hadn’t been able to think of much else other than your work.

Of course… you hadn’t considered the fact that you hadn’t been without either of your boyfriends since you started dating them. By the second week, things were going smoothly at work so you had time to think, you realized just how much you missed those idiots. You called them when your work day was over. It was late for them, but they still answered, obviously in Gojo’s room cuddling without you.

“You two look comfy,” you grumbled.

Gojo grinned at you before kissing Geto’s neck, “Jealous, baby?”

“Extremely. You two have each other. And it’s just me here.”

“Poor thing,” Geto sighed, though he didn’t actually sound that sorry for you.

“We’ll send you something to get you through the night just as soon as you hang up,” Gojo said.

“That’s unimaginative. Why can’t I get a live show?”

He groaned quietly, “Smart. You’re so smart. I’ll get the tripod.”

“I’m upset that you have the equipment for this kind of thing,” Geto said his voice superficially disappointed. Notably, he wasn’t saying no to this arrangement at all. He just liked to pretend to be so above it all.

“Well how do you think I get those angles for my thirst traps,” Gojo called back, further away from the phone.

“He started putting more effort in his thirst traps after you sent back critiques for his lighting and angle choices,” Geto said in a conspiratorial tone. You snorted thinking of the time you critiqued Gojo’s photo the way you would a set of shots from work. He had an attitude with you for the rest of the day, but his pictures were better. In retrospect, you probably shouldn’t have given him the power to improve.

“It’s not even late where you are is it?” Geto asked you.

“No. I know it’s super late there. I’m sorry for calling like this. I just really missed you two. Hotels are far less fun without people you know to run down the halls with you.

Geto snorted, “You and Gojo are ridiculous. What is so fun about that?”

“I don’t know, it just is,” you smiled studying his face. His hair was down and collected over one shoulder. Geto truly had no right to be as pretty as he was. That’s what killed you about your boyfriends. They weren’t just hot, or handsome, or whatever people called men so their masculinity didn’t feel challenged. Your boys were pretty. They obviously took care of themselves. Geto with his shiny black hair and perfect skin had features women would die for. Gojo was… well Gojo was vain so of course he was a pretty boy.

“I love you two. I can’t wait to be back home.”

“We can’t wait to have you back. I mean I’ve been stuck all alone with Satoru.”

“You two seemed pretty cozy when I called,” you chuckled.

“Exactly!” Gojo called from off camera, “Before you called he was all over me!”

“I believe it. He’s a cuddle bug at the end of the day. Don’t worry Toru, I know he’s a big liar.”

Geto scoffed, “Wow, thousands of miles away and the two of you are ganging up on me. I’m hurt.”

“Well get over it,” Gojo’s voice was closer and the phone moved and turned around to show Gojo’s pretty face. He made kissy faces at you as he set up the phone on the tripod. You laughed at his antics.

“You look so hot, princess. Put your titties on the phone for me.”

“Satoru,” Geto sighed heavily but you were already lifting your shirt.

Gojo gave a happy little sigh, “I miss those. I’m gonna have my mouth all over ‘em when you get home.”


“On my life, sweetheart.”

“Get over here, Satoru,” Geto said and Gojo turned only forge to to grab his wrist and pull him back on the bed.

“Be gentle with me, you brute,” Gojo complained dramatically.

“Shut up.”

Gojo straddled Geto with a playful smile on his face. If he was honest, and he often was, he liked the fact that you were watching. Sure, he loved sex with Geto. He adored it, but he did crave you and so much time without you was wearing on him. He was sure it was wearing on Geto too. Gojo missed your boobs.  Geto’s boobs were just okay, yours were perfect and they were squishy and jiggled, and he liked the weight of them in his hands. Geto’s ‘pecs’ weren’t any of those things. Geto grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him down for a kiss. Getting kissed by Geto always felt a bit like sensually getting eaten alive, like he never meant for you to survive it. He certainly barely let him get a breath in, mouth moving against his own in slow sensual patterns. Gojo slipped his fingers into Geto’s hair to keep them pressed together as Gojo nipped at Geto’s lips. He liked the way Geto’s hand rubbed up his back, pulling him in slowly until his hold was nearly suffocating.

“Am I allowed to breathe?” Gojo quipped with a grin after he tried to pull back but Geto followed his kiss lifting his head from the pillow to do so.

“No,” Geto seized his throat as he shifted his weight to throw Gojo’s balance off.  He pushed him over onto his back before kneeling. He was between Gojo’s long legs, facing the phone and therefore giving you a great view of him. You could see the barely fading marks on Geto’s chest and neck. The two must really be going at each other in your absence. That didn’t surprise you. Honestly, you didn’t know how any one person could handle Gojo’s sexual appetite. He could probably have sex everyday, maybe multiple times a day, and it wasn’t all about him coming. He liked to bring other people pleasure too. In fact he claimed that’s where all the fun was.

“Take these off,” Geto ordered, pointing to Gojo’s underwear.

“You know, you haven’t taken me to dinner in a long time. I’m starting to think I’m just sex to you,” Gojo whined petulantly, obviously putting up a fuss to get on Geto’s nerves.

“Sex with you is hardly worth the trouble, Satoru.” Geto threw back before biting the hair tie on his wrist to bring it up and put his hair in a ponytail. You often said so, but one of the hottest things Geto ever did was put his hair up in a high ponytail to give head. The act itself made him stretch out his body, giving a full view of his torso and your eyes always got caught on the graceful lines of muscle that disappeared into his his underwear. However, the result was hot too, seeing his ponytail swish about as he got ready to go down on you always fucked with your head. It was fucking with you now and you weren’t even the one he was going to torture. Gojo suddenly had a lot less to say as he sat up on his elbows watching as Geto got comfortable. You weren’t the only one who noticed Gojo’s sudden silence.

Geto cocked his head to the side ponytail swinging with the movement, “Oh? So this is how to shut you up. I’m glad you know I’ll make you gag on me before I reward bad behavior.”

“Well, I was kinda hoping we were both done talking,” Gojo sighed, because he was simply unable to ignore a taunt like that. Geto’s head dipped down suddenly and you couldn’t easily see what he was doing but whatever he did made Gojo’s breath stutter before he whined a somewhat pitiful sound. The first thing to know about Gojo, when it came to Geto’s mouth? He was all talk. Gojo would do a lot of things before he missed out on the head Geto Suguru could give. That included swallowing his own pride.

You couldn’t see, but Geto decided bite Gojo’s hip and then add a light suction, as if he’d bitten into a juicy peach. He sealed the action with a kiss before moving to the other side to do the same thing.

“Suguru, come on,” Gojo breathed.

“Hm? Ask me nicely.”

“Pretty pl-“ Gojo began to answer in a stupid high pitched voice but then Geto bit into his thigh and sucked, definitely leaving a mark there, “Fuck, Suguru, please.” He finished more seriously.

“That’s more like it. Now was that so hard?” Geto lifted his head, placing a long flat tongued lick from Gojo’s balls all the way up to the head of his cock. Gojo was already so hard that his erection curve up towards his belly button. Geto took him into his mouth and bobbed his head teasingly at the head of his cock, going no further than half way down. Gojo grabbed Geto’s ponytail, which was of course yet another hot thing about the high ponytail, and wrapped it around his hand once.

“Please, please, please, Sugu.” You knew Geto took him in deeper by the way Gojo threw his head back, vibrant blue eyes half lidded and slowly rolling back as Geto swallowed around him. Why was head from Geto something Gojo refused to miss out on? Geto Suguru did not have a gag reflex. You couldn’t help sneaking a hand between your legs as you listened to Gojo moan unabashedly and watched he rapidly flushing face. Gojo was pretty, especially when he was too overwhelmed to act tough. Your view of him was upside down of course, but that didn’t take away from it. You could just barely hear the little glug, glug, glug of Geto bobbing on Gojo’s length.

It killed you not being able to be there with them. You would have sat on Gojo’s pretty face, muffled his moans with your sex as you rocked against his tongue. You missed them. You really did.

Gojo came with a harsh shout that became heavy panting breathing as Geto didn’t stop, swallowing down his cum while he kept him in his mouth. Geto liked to make his lovers suffer with too much of a good thing. Gojo had to yank his ponytail to get him off.

“Fuck, you monster,” Gojo breathed lying back trying to catch his breath.

Geto laughed wiping his mouth before looking at the phone set up on the other side of the bed. He could see your enamored expression and it only served to make him more cocky.

“You playing with yourself, princess?” Geto asked.

Your face was on fire, “Y-yes.”

“Hm, I don’t think I gave you permission to do that. Gojo, did you?”

Gojo rolled over on his stomach so that he could see the screen right-side-up, “Huh, I sure didn’t.”

“And she’s so selfish too. The least you could do is let us see.”

“Shit,” you breathed. Those two shouldn’t have so much power over you when they were literally thousands of miles away, “Let me find something to prop up my phone.”

“Mmhm,” Geto hummed and the moment you looked away you heard a sharp smack. Gojo gasped harshly and you turned back to see Geto’s taunting smile.

“I didn’t say you could touch me, slut,” He said to Gojo.

You quickly hurried around the hotel room, grabbing a few things to prop your phone up with. It needed to be a pretty sturdy set up. You managed to balance it at the foot of the bed on top of a few towels and your carry-on bag. You also grabbed your vibrator while you were at it, knowing this would be a much better time if you didn’t catch a wrist cramp.

When you got back into position you noticed the steep arch in Gojo’s back, that lifted his ass in the air, and the heavy ruddy blush on his face.

“Good you’re back… oh and you have a toy. Good. I can’t be bothered with controlling both of you right now, so I’ll just give you one rule. You better not cum before Satoru.”


“Good, but you’re always a good girl aren’t you. I’ve got the problem right here,” he smacked Gojo’s ass again. Gojo didn’t even gasp, he simply let out a whorish moan, and you realized that Geto was working his fingers inside of him. You probably should have caught on quicker but they were good at distracting you. You kept your vibrator on low, watching them with each other. Despite all of the sass they gave each other, a great amount of care went into everything they did. Geto was slow and thorough, properly prepping Gojo before moving on despite how fucking hard he was. Your mouth watered at the sight of him. You wanted to suck the flushed head of his cock into your mouth. You wanted to hear him moan your name.

You knew the very moment Geto hit that magic spot inside of Gojo. He gasped and curse, pressing his face into the mattress. You moaned involuntarily at the sound of his pleasure. You wondered how loud they had the phone because both of them looked in your direction.

“Fuck, princess I wish you were here,” Gojo moaned, “I wish I could kiss those soft fucking lips, have my mouth on your perfect tits and ah! Ah, make you cum on my tongue.”

You thought your heart might burst from your chest. It was really a huge disservice to you that Gojo was so goddamn pretty. If you were there you’d give him whatever he wanted in a heartbeat. Geto always said that you weren’t helping with Gojo’s spoiled brat personality, but how were you supposed to deny him anything when he said it like that? Fuck, you’d sign over your soul if he asked you for it like that. You couldn’t help it.

“Are you ready for me?” Geto asked him.

“Yes, yes, fuck, yes,” Gojo said eagerly, pressing his hips back against Geto.

“Calm down, I’ll give you what you want.”

You kept your eyes on Geto’s face as you circled your clit with your vibrator. It was also a g-spot stimulator so when you tired of using the tip to stimulate your clit, you could plunge it inside of you as well. It wasn’t as long or as thick as either of your boyfriends, but it did the job in a pinch. For now you were content to keep teasing yourself.

Geto’s jaw dropped as he slowly pressed into Gojo. You always liked to watch his face when he finally got inside one of you. It was so pretty, the gentle “o” that his pretty pink lips made. His head tipped all the way back before he rolled his neck as if stretching it. The moment his hips were flush with Gojo’s ass he bent down and kissed up his spine. Gojo’s forehead was pressed against the mattress as he fought to even breathe with Geto buried so deep inside of him. He didn’t know how you took him so often. Every time made him feel like he was going to lose his damn mind. His kisses topped at his shoulder and then Geto grabbed a handful of his hair.

“You’re being rude, Satoru. Look at the show our princess is putting on for us.”

Gojo’s eyes focused on you. Your legs were spread wide for them giving them a beautiful view of your wet pussy. One of your hands had gone up to start worrying your breast, kneading the soft flesh and pinching your nipple. He’d never been so fucking jealous of you before.

“Turn up your vibrator, sweetheart,” Geto said turning his sly gaze up to you. You did as he said, unable to hold in your high pitched whine at the stark increase in pleasure, “Too bad you didn’t bring your rose. We could have really had fun,” He lifted Gojo’s head a bit more by the hand in his snow white hair, “ Keep your eyes on her while a fuck you, Satoru. Make sure she doesn’t take that vibe off her pretty pussy.”

Gojo blinked heavily trying to focus on you as Geto slowly pulled out of him. If he was honest, his train of thought couldn’t even go that far. The feeling of Geto stretching him so deliciously was clouding his head. He had a feeling that Geto didn’t really expect him to be of much use. Sure, Gojo was a man who had his fair share of earthly pleasures and if it was anyone else doing this to him he wouldn’t be so overwhelmed but the two of you were just different. It scratched some weird sentimental part of his brain to have the two people he’d spent most of his life with treat him to the most sweetest of pleasures. It always got to him. The most he could do was fantasize about getting his mouth on you. If you were here you’d be laid out so beautiful for him and he’d bury his face between your legs, take out all the pent up feelings swirling in his chest on you. He couldn’t be bothered to pay attention to whether or not you were following Geto’s rules.

You were though. Of course you were. You watched the slow pace Geto set and listened to the answering sounds that Gojo made. Allegedly, men often hid the sounds they made, but you’d simply never experienced that with these two as your frame of reference. They couldn’t shut up if their lives depended on it, and you loved it. You watched Geto apply a little more lube to his length before pushing into Gojo harshly. Gojo sucked in a harsh breath arching his back as he pressed back into him greedily. They were beautiful together. This was not your first time watching them, and obviously it wouldn’t be the last. They were such stark opposites, coming together in the best way. One could argue that Gojo brought out the worst in Geto, in fact many people had argued that, but seeing them like this, you knew Gojo just invited Geto to let go a little. He wasn’t so tightly bound, or committed to being particularly nice. Gojo didn’t always like it “Nice”. They were more themselves when they were together. Despite even Geto’s best efforts you could see the effect that Gojo had on him. His brows were knitted together in a truly desperate expression as if he were internally bargaining with himself to keep his cool. When Gojo dropped his head to the mattress again, choking on sobbing moans as Geto’s hips smacked against his ass over and over, Geto pushed more of his weight against him until his stomach collapsed to the bed. Then he put a hand around the front of his throat making him keep his head up.

“Look at her, you said you missed her right? You wanted to be buried in that wet pussy? If you ignore her now, I won’t let you anywhere near her for weeks after she gets back. And I’ll fuck her in front of you, make her scream my name right in your face. Keep your fucking eyes on her.”

You moaned heavily, feeling yourself clench around nothing. His eyes were on you again, that sly mean smile in place. Sure the expression was cruel, but it was also beguiling like a snake in the garden promising the best of earthly pleasures, “Aw, feeling empty, baby?”

“Yes,” you answered.

“Good. That’s what happens when you leave us, sweetheart. That’s what happens when you leave me to deal with this whiny little slut. Fuck he can’t compare to your pussy, princess.”

The first time Geto started playing this game in the bedroom, you hadn’t liked it at all, afraid that Geto was trying to make Gojo resent you, but Gojo liked to be degraded every once in a while. You supposed it was the kind of thing you should have expected from him considering how much he told you he liked it when you were mean to him. Even so, it was rarely anything you could pull off as well as Geto could. It was too obvious you didn’t mean a single disparaging thing you said. When Geto did it, you knew Gojo ate it up.

“Forcing me to spill my load in this dirty cumslut when it should be in you. Don’t you like it when I cum in you and make Satoru eat it out?” He cooed at you sweetly. Both you and Gojo moaned out a wanton “yes”. Geto moved faster inside of Gojo and his moans were making it hard for you to hold back.

The sounds Geto made really weren’t helping your case.

“Sugar,” you whined.

“Don’t worry, baby, he’s close too. I can feel how tight you’re getting, Satoru. Why don’t you let go? Don’t you wanna see her cum. Don’t torture her, she’s always so good to you. She always cums fast for you doesn’t she?”

“Fuck!” Gojo cursed, “I can’t! I can’t, please I need more.”

“Oh, you greedy slut. You need more? I’ll give you more.” Geto bit into Gojo’s shoulder as he moved faster inside of him, adding that bite of pain that Gojo needed in order to cum. You watched Gojo’s vibrant blue eyes roll back as he panted only to moan out a seemingly endless stream of curses. You couldn’t help coming as Gojo did. Your pleasure tore through you viciously and Geto lifted his head in time to see it with an intoxicating grin. Gojo couldn’t lift his head to even look at you as Geto continued to fuck him.

“Dammit, cum already,” Gojo moaned at length.

“Beg for it, slut.”

“Fuck, please cum in me. Please! Suguru.”

Suguru came like that, listening to Gojo beg him for it. He came with a heavy moan that made your spine tingle. What you would give to be home right now, to hear that sound in person. Everything was still for a moment after that, just the sound of your own heavy breathing and theirs. Geto’s body almost completely covered Gojo’s. He slowly, and gently pulled out of him after some immeasurable amount of time. Geto pressed kisses along his shoulders.

“That was good, Satoru.”

“Yeah?” Gojo breathed and you could hear the cocky grin in his voice.

“Mmhm. You’re so obedient,” Geto teased, before pinching his ass.

“Fuck you.” There was no real venom behind the phrase, and soon enough Geto was kissing him, a soft sweet exchanged that wasn’t meant to lead to anything else. It was just for comfort. You tried to sigh quietly as you remembered, begrudgingly that you wouldn’t be receiving any kisses because you were thousands of miles away. Despite your best attempt to be quiet, Geto seemed to hear you.

“When you come home we’ll take care of you princess, you were perfect as always,” he gave you a tired smile.

“I’m gonna hold you both to that. I don’t wanna work for it at all.”

“Like you ever do,” Gojo scoffed.

“Oh? We’ll remember that the next time you want her to ride you.” Geto quipped.

“Wait, no!”

“We’re gonna get cleaned up. Talk to you later,” Geto chuckled crawling off the bed gracelessly to get to the phone.

“Okay… bye. I love you.” You said softly.

“I love you too,” he said and Gojo echoed that sentiment from his place sprawled on the bed. When they hung up you were left in your empty ass hotel room alone. What a joke.

When you got home a few days later it was in the middle of the day. The driver dropped you off. As soon as you stepped in, you let out a heavy sigh. The house was empty. Gojo’s car wasn’t in the driveway, which meant that he’d actually gone into the office for once. Geto was definitely at work, but you knew he would be. This was probably for the best. You needed to get some sleep. Sure it would obliterate your sleep schedule, but traveling through time zones was a bitch and you really needed a nap. You left your luggage at the foot of the stairs, not even entertaining the idea of trying to carry them up. One or both of the boys would get them. You made a beeline for the shower and then your bed.

When Gojo got in, he noticed your bags at the foot of the stairs. He gave an excited little gasp before bounding up the stairs two at a time to get to your room. He went to loudly greet you but noticed your form in your bed. You were wrapped up in your covers, and honestly easy to miss if not for your bonnet sticking out from under your covers. The sound of your quiet snores is what alerted him to the fact that you were asleep. It stopped him from yelling at the very least but it wasn’t going to stop him from bothering you. Gojo poked his lip out in a dissatisfied pout. He knew he shouldn’t wake you up, and if Geto were here, he’d scold him for even thinking about disrupting your sleep, but… Gojo missed you. You were never gone this long, and sure he had Geto to satisfy his sexual appetite but it wasn’t the same. He wasn’t soft like you, and he didn’t have boobs which was really his biggest pit fall. Gojo approached your sleeping form quietly and hooked his fingers into the covers to tug them away from your face. Your lips were slightly parted, making you look so relaxed and comfy. It would be a crime to disturb your sleep. Utterly criminal.

… And then he noticed that your shoulder was bare. He tugged your cover down a bit more only to realize you were wearing a flimsy little tank top. The spaghetti string had fallen off of your shoulder, and one of your boobs had already escaped the neckline. He let out a quiet groan, before bending down to kiss your cheek, and then your lips.

Your eyes fluttered open as you kept feeling someone touch you. You got a glimpse of white hair before you closed your eyes again.

“Hey, Toru.”

“Hi, princess,” he purred, “ you seem tired.”

“You think? That 12 hour flight was killer,” you yawned around your words.

“Oh no,” he cooed, “that’s awful. You should let me, take care of you then. I can’t stand the idea of my baby being so uncomfortable for 12 whole hours.”

“A full 24, honestly,” you responded, stretching your body out long as you settled on your stomach. You knew what Gojo was doing, you just didn’t have a problem with it in the slightest. He always cooed and fawned over you when he wanted something. As long as he didn’t expect you to move by yourself then he could have whatever he wanted.

“Let me help you relax then.”

“Do what you want, Toru, just don’t get in my bed with your outside clothes on.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

You kept your eyes closed. Your eyelids were just too heavy to keep open. Even with that, you weren’t quite asleep yet. Your consciousness was kind of floating in that dreamlike half awake, half asleep state. You could hear everything happening around you. You just couldn’t be bothered to move your heavy limbs. The weight in the bed shifted as Gojo got in with you. He kissed the back of your neck as he slowly wound his arms around your waist and pulled you in tight against him.

“I missed you,” he groaned.

“Hm, you just missed being between my legs. I can tell you’re already hard.”

“That’s because I love you, idiot,” he grumbled, “I can miss you in more ways than one.”

You hummed to show that you heard him, “I thought maybe you were going to fix the fact that you missed being between my legs.”

“Can I?”

“Mmhm, but I’m dead tired, so I’m not going to be doing any tricks,” you breathed.

“That’s fine. I just need you to be a good girl and take it for me, yeah?”

He smiled at the desperate little sound you made for him at that request. He pressed his lips to the back of your neck again, letting his his hands rub up the smooth skin of your legs. Once he got to the waistband of your underwear he gripped it and started tugging your panties down. You did him the courtesy of at least lifting your hips so that he could get them off of you easily. That was the extent of the work you intended to put into this. You wound up back on your stomach when he stopped holding you against him. Soon enough his kisses returned to your back, trailing down your spine. His hands, huge in general but also in comparison to your body ,smoothed along your until they were at your hips. Then he gripped your hips and lifted them before hooking one of his arms under you to keep you up while he snatched a few extra pillows from the head of your bed and stuffed them under your hips. To this you had no complaints, because you simply had no intentions of doing the work necessary to keep yourself in this position naturally. Your back arched with the added height at your hips and you just relaxed into it.

Gojo settled behind you, knocking your legs open a bit wider in the process. He gazed down at you where you already wet for him, though he’d seen you wetter, and he would see to it that you were absolutely glistening before he got to the main event. He opened you up with his thumbs as he gripped around the very tops of your thighs.

The moment he pressed his mouth to you, you felt like the deepest most private parts of soul had been freed. Geto and Gojo often tried to get you to admit to having a preference for who went down on you. In all honesty, you liked them equally for different purpose. Gojo for foreplay was perfect, he was good at what he did but ultimately too impatient to do the things that Geto would. Perfect for getting started and making you hungry for more… ridiculously hungry for more. If you wanted to have your soul snatched via someone’s tongue then… Geto was your guy. He was stubborn, and so if he was determined to eat you out for an hour or more, then that’s what he would do, and nothing short of a safe word could stop him. Different approaches for different times. Gojo’s tongue was working wonders for his purpose.

You moaned into your pillow as you felt him suck at your clit, tongue pulsing against the sensitive bundle of nerves. When he took a break from that he would tease your entrance with his tongue, pushing in a bit then licking broad stripes up your pussy before doing it again. It made you ache for him to get inside you.  His tongue wasn’t nearly long or thick enough to satisfy you, you wanted something more and you knew that’s what he meant to provoke from you. Just when you felt like you’d bust from the way his tongue teased you, he went back to worrying your clit, a cycle that had your legs shaking and you whining in no time.

“Satoru, fuck me, please fuck me.”

“I thought you were gonna let me do what I want?” He teased spreading your pussy lips open even with his thumbs before flicking his tongue quickly, with feather like strokes against your clit.

“Ah, Toru, please!” You whined. He bit the back of your thigh, not hard enough to break skin, but hard enough to serve as a punishment for going back on your word. Of course, he set out to make you eat your words. He knew how to satisfy you. He knew what would have made you squirm in his hold and call out his name. He knew what you liked, but he was admittedly being selfish, a little resentful that you’d been gone so long. The first woman he ever bothered to commit himself to and you left for two whole weeks. Career be damned, he missed you. It tugged in his chest and hearing you beg him like this was only just beginning to soothe the scorching flame in the pit of his stomach.

He pulled back to look at you, a bit mesmerized by the way your sex glistened in the light. He pet through your wetness gently, watching webs of slick between your pussy and his fingers stretch until they broke and then doing it again. At length he sighed pushed you over on your side and then your back. You blinked up at him awake enough, at this moment to look at you.

“Hi princess.” He smiled at you, deceptively kind. He meant to make you cry.

“Satoru,” you breathed reaching out for him. Your hands landed at his waist and you pulled him down to kiss you. Of course you tasted yourself all over his mouth but you didn’t mind. In fact you loved it. He kissed you back reverently as if the act itself could get him off. You could feel the slow grind of his hips against yours, making his sex run through your wetness.

“Please, Satoru,” you whined, “please get inside of me. I need you, baby.”

“Yeah?” He purred pulling away from you to look at the absolutely debauched expression on your face. He’d never get sick of the sight you were when you were desperate for him. You were just so pretty and soft and sweet and if you kept moaning his name like that he was going to do something crazy like buy you the moon, or never let you leave his side again. Your pleas never stopped as he rolled his hips against yours, giving you the smallest taste of what you wanted. He kissed you, chaste kisses that only frustrated you. You wanted his tongue, you wanted him to press his mouth against you like he always did, like he Wass searching for something in your mouth. But no. He wasn’t searching now. He had everything he was looking for right under him. Your eyes fluttered open as he pulled back to look at you.

You couldn’t help the small whimper that left your throat as you saw the way Gojo looked down his nose at you. It was an arrogant expression, and as you met eyes one side of his mouth quirked up in an arrogant smile that was more like a sneer. He took your face in his hand, squeezing your cheeks with the pads of his fingers.

“You’re lucky you’re a cute little slut,” he said before letting your face go with a little shove. Despite his words you could read the affection in his eyes, and the way his hand trailed down your body. He guided himself to your entrance pushing the fat head of his cock into you. It felt like you were sucking him in. His breath shuddered. You were so wet. The inside you was so warm, welcoming him in, making it impossible for him to stop.

“I love you,” you whimpered and he almost lost his fucking mind. He’d fucked a lot of women but you fucked with his head. No matter how many times he had you, hearing you whimper how much you loved him while he was deep inside you made him want to tear you apart. It made him want to give you the world, stay inside you for the rest of his life, or maybe spend all day making you whine and cry for him. There were too many things he wanted at once. For now, he just changed his pace. He fucked you hard, gripping the headboard for leverage, listening to the sound of your frantic moans. Your breasts bounced with the impact of his thrust. It annoyed him that he couldn’t maintain this angle and pace while also sucking your nipples. They deserved to be sucked, and you deserved to be kissed, and choked, and driven out of your mind with pleasure.

“Fuck,” he cursed an absolutely devastated sound as he kept looking at your pretty body and how you took him so well, “You’re so fucking pretty. I’m gonna make you cum and then I’m gonna fill you up and fuck my cum into you until you can fucking taste it. Gonna go so fucking deep all you can think about is my cock.”

“Satoru, please,” you were trembling already as you pressed your shaky hands against his back, “Hold me. Hold me please.”

It struck something soft in his heart to hear your shaky voice begging for him like that. You’d be the death of him. Every time you needed him like this it just made him that much crazier about you. He pressed against you immediately, wrapping his arms around your waist as he pressed his face against your neck.

The longer you were with Gojo the more you realized no one ever had him the way you did. Sure, you heard the stories about him, the way he could have a woman dickmatized with just one night. He was ruthless, nearly sadistic in the pleasure he gave, notoriously down for just about anything. He’d make you beg for him to tear you apart. But your Gojo, the man irrevocably in love with you felt like he’d never be satisfied until the two of you found away to be permanently one. He was suffocating, overwhelming, bombarding you with wave after of molten hot pleasure, spewing the dirtiest phrases from those pretty pink lips, promising you the world, promising you forever, promising infinite possibilities. And you wanted it all.

You felt so much at once with him that it made your mind go blank, feeling everything and nothing, paralyzed with pleasure so deep it felt like he’d grabbed hold of your very soul. You felt the tears leaking from the corners of your eyes. He pulled back to look at you, holding your face in his hand again, studying the tears trailing down your cheeks. He watched the tears roll down and he didn’t have the rational mind to stop him from licking the tears from your cheek.

“Love it when you cry for me, princess,” he let go of your face so he could lean down and growl in your ear.  You were stuck, holding your breath just before everything hit you. You came with a harsh shout before biting into Gojo’s shoulder, needing to ground yourself and knowing Gojo needed his pleasure with a side of pain. You felt him shudder against you, thrusting through the pulses of your cunt and moaning into your ear. You wrapped both of your legs around him, just wanting to be close to him. He just kept going, chasing his own high. Before long he crushed his lips against yours, only to open your mouth with his and moan breathlessly. He gripped your thigh; your legs were already firmly wrapped around him, crossed at the ankle so that he could not escape you. It was more than welcomed. Gojo had no intention of escaping anywhere. His fingers would probably leave marks but your heavy moans and gasped continued to egg him on as he chased his release. He switched between kissing you and moaning into your mouth until he felt that pressure at the base of his spine becoming unbearable and he knew he couldn’t hold back anymore. He pressed his forehead against yours, eyes squeezed shut.

“‘M gonna fill you up, baby. Fuck gonna get you so full… fucking you so deep, think you’ll give me a baby, princess? Fuck!” He came shoving in deep and coaxing and wounded sound from your throat. He thrust into you erratically, riding out the heavy aftershocks of his orgasm. The two of you stayed like that, suspended in the moment, waiting for your blood to stop rushing and for rational thought to return to your brains. You didn’t even mind that Gojo was kind of crushing you.

You were staring up at the ceiling sightlessly until Gojo got out of you. Then your heavy eyelids shut of their own volition as you felt him begin to ooze out of you when he pulled out. He sat back on his knees to look at you. Your breasts were completely free of your loose tank top and your hands were above your head. He looked between your legs, watching his cum spill out of you for a moment. It was a slow drip, he liked the contrast of the his cum against your skin when you were already so wet that the petals of your sex glistened for him, a flower or brown and pink. He collected his cum on his fingers then pushed them inside of you. You made a soft whining sound obviously half asleep again. He bent down to kiss your breasts, sucking each nipple gently.

“I love you, princess.” He lifted his head to look at you. Your eyebrows were furrowed and your eyes closed.

“Hold me, Toru, please.”

“Of course,” Gojo settled at your side and pulled you back against him. He kissed your shoulder, “Thanks for that. Sugu’s been pitching all the time. You know he’s a control freak.”

“Yeah, a real pain in the ass,” you joked smirking a little.

“Tell me about it,” he giggled, bringing one of his hands to hold one of your boobs, “Mm and I missed these. Pecs just don’t hit like tits do. Fuck.”

You were already beginning to drift off to sleep, “Do what you want, Satoru, just don’t wake me up.”

“Dangerous game you’re playing sweetheart.”

“Hmm, I like waking up to a pleasant surprise.”

Geto walked into the house with a heavy sigh a few hours later. He was eager to get out of his work clothes, but as he walked through the front room he noticed your luggage by the stares. An involuntary smile spread across his face. You were home. He’d missed you so much while you were gone. He grabbed your bags and took them upstairs. Your bedroom door was open and the canopy around your bed was closed, jumbling the view of your form with its mesh curtains, he did immediately notice white hair. Which did not surprise him because your room smelled like sex. He set down your luggage and went over to push aside one curtain. Your eyes were closed, and Gojo was… sucking hickies on your chest in the shape of a heart.

“Give the poor thing a chance to rest,” Geto sighed in a hushed tone. Satoru lifted his head and grinned.

“I’ve got the green light to do what I want.”

“And you obviously don’t want her to get good rest.”

“She’s out.” Gojo shrugged resuming his previous task. Geto looked at your face and sighed. You looked dead. The only way he knew you were alive was the simple fact that he could hear your heavy breathing.  The covers were still partially over you. Gojo pulled back to look at his work with a juvenile grin before he started shifting lower.

“Gonna see if I can get my name on her inner thigh.”

“Satoru, no.”

“Yeah, Gojo would probably be easier-“

“No, stop giving her hickies. What are you 16?”

“In none of the ways that matter.”

“What the fuck is the supposed to mean?” Geto balked.

“Shh you’ll wake her up. Are you going to join us or just watch?”

“How long has she been asleep?”

“Five hours.”

“Let her sleep a bit longer, Satoru.”

“Or, or, You could eat what’s left of my cum out of her.”

Geto hated to admit it but his mouth subtly started watering at the thought of it. He missed the taste of you, and the sweet sound of your pleasure. He missed the warmth of your thighs around his head. It was hard for him to turn that prospect down. He missed you terribly and he wanted nothing more than to be between your legs. Being in your arms was a close second but that wasn’t available right now.

“Fuck,” he sighed, unbuttoning his shirt. It was a little ridiculous how easy it was for Gojo to talk him into his antics.

“See? You missed her too. She’ll be happy to see you, even happier to see you like this.”

Once his shirt was off he took off his pants so you wouldn’t gripe at him about his outside clothes. Gojo watched with unadulterated desire as  Geto stood  on the side of the bed  shirtless, looking every bit like a work of art. The tattoos on his left pec were vibrant, a feast for the eyes.  He took down the top section of his hair that he had up so he could put all of his hair up. He twisted his long hair into a tight bun before securing it. Even still, he knew it wouldn’t last once you awakened and put your fingers in his hair. How he long to feel the rounded edge of your nails against his scalp. Was it his primary motivation for being sure you always had a fresh manicure? Absolutely. He loved the feeling of your nails on him, against his scalp, his back, anywhere.

Gojo pulled the covers back for Geto. He watched him get settled between your legs and looked up at your face to see you were still knocked out. Geto wasted no time spreading you open and licking a broad stripe up your sex. He could taste Gojo on you and he wouldn’t give Gojo the satisfaction of knowing that made this even hotter. Gojo went back to work on your breasts.

Your body felt hot all over. You felt beyond feverish, more like an open fire, a smoldering inferno. Pleasure rolled through you like coming storm. You wanted to open your eyes but it was just so hard to will yourself awake and present. It was easier to move your limbs though. The movement was lazy and uncoordinated but you brought your hand down to the origin of the toe-curling pleasure and intercepted something.

“Sugu,” you grumbled sleepily as you felt the thick bun at the back of his head. You were rewarded with a sharp suck against your clit. You gasped harshly. It took you a moment to notice that another mouth was on you. Your other hand buried itself in Gojo’s hair as he sucked your nipple.

“Oh my god,” you whined.

Geto seemed set on making you lose your mind as he shook as head to settle in right against your clit. He loved the way you whined for him, how your body writhed, how you begged saying his name like a prayer. Your voice broke as you rolled your hips against his mouth.  

“Sugu, baby yes! Fuck! Fuck! Right there!”

He knew. You didn’t need to tell him, but he didn’t mind hearing it. In fact he loved hearing it, and feeling your nails scrape against his scalp. Your hands turned to claws as you clenched around nothing which was really a shame. He slipped two of his fingers in you easily to rectify that injustice, curling them against your upper walls and feeling you tremble. Your breath came in quick puffs, every other exhale was a moan or barely restrained scream for God. It amused him that you thought there was anything that could save you from what he planned to do to you.

Your sounds were suddenly muffled and Geto opened his eyes to see that Gojo was kissing you. It was a deep, borderline nasty, kiss that was more like tongue fucking your mouth. His hand was wrapped around your throat. He only pulled back to speak to you. Gojo was speaking in your ear, words Geto could not hear but he felt the effect his words had on you. If you got any wetter he might actually drown. It didn’t take him long to decide he wasn’t afraid of that at all.

“We’re gonna fuckin’ ruin you, gonna make you see stars, baby. You’re all ours now, and we’re gonna take good care of you, sweetheart.”

Geto did something between your legs that made you see God. Your back arched of its own volition as you gasped before the full brunt of mind numbing pleasure hit you.  Your whole body was so overwhelmed you thought for sure that you were going to shake apart. If Gojo was still talking then you definitely couldn’t hear him over the sound of your own blood rushing in your ears. It was like when explosions go off in movies. Everything was muffled as pressure took away every sense that wasn’t dedicated to experiencing the onslaught of pleasure Geto waged upon you. Then it all came back and you could hear Gojo speaking to you, low and steady. You could hear the obscene slurping sounds Geto made between your legs. You could hear your own wanton moans, out of breath and frantic as the aftermath of Geto’s ruinous mouth set in and worse he was still going.

You couldn’t breathe, or rather you couldn’t relax your body enough to get a breath. You sat up trying to push away with your hands on the bed and for the first time you opened your eyes, seeing Geto between your legs. His eyes were closed and he held you to his mouth with both arms, muscles bulging with his strength. You weren’t going anywhere. You fell back against the pillows, into Gojo’s waiting arms, where he was eager to up the ante. He kissed your cheek and then down your throat.

You were speaking nonsense, promises of love, profane curses, exclamations to God, perhaps speaking in tongues. Your own voice was lost on you, just another set of sensations washing over you, as you drowned in the tides of pleasure. It felt like an exorcism and an apotheosis, losing your mind and find it all at once. You knew the rumors about Geto before you ever started dating. Sweet Geto Suguru, level headed Geto Suguru, ever the gentleman, he’d make a girl worship at his feet by the end of the night. Not that he ever asked them to anything of the sort, he didn’t have to. They were wrong though, since the first time he ever touched you, since the first time he got his mouth on you he drank of your nectar like it was sweetest communion. From his devotion to following your squirming hips, you’d think this was the most ardent act of theophagy. If anyone was getting the sacramental treatment in the bedroom it was you.

By the time Geto decided you’d had enough you had nothing left. You’d basically pledged lifelong companionship to him while in the throes of pleasure. Your muscles were spent, your mind was blank, you were silent save your heavy breathing. He kissed up your body slowly, reverently as if savoring his last meal. Then his face was above yours, the shorter hairs that framed his face had escaped his bun, the bun itself was hanging on by a thread thanks to the way you’d tugged at it.

“Welcome home,” he smiled before placing a chaste kiss on your lips.

“Mm, it’s good to be back.”

Gojo kissed your cheek, “Good to have you back. We missed you like crazy.”

“Can I actually sleep this time? I’m dead tired.”

“Mmhm. Suguru, want me to suck you off?” Gojo offered, knowing Geto was probably so hard it was uncomfortable. You’d put on quite the show for them.

“Nah, our princess will take care of me when she wakes up won’t she?”

“You bet  your sweet ass I will. If you think you can handle it, I’ll keep you warm in the mean time. But I’m really going to sleep so be warned.”

Geto groaned, “Fuck, I love you.” He pushed you onto your side and pulled you back against him.

“I love you too,” you sighed feeling him against your lower back. Some graceless shuffling and wiggling around later and Suguru was slowly sliding between your thighs. The sensation was kind of soothing. Then he lifted your leg only for Gojo to guide him inside of you. You actually liked cockwarming. It was the weirdest thing to get sappy about but you liked being joined like that, being as close as possible. It made you feel safe, especially as his arms wrapped around you. It was torture for the boys though, the only kind of torture against them you were proficient in. You were genuinely satisfied to stay just like this for any amount of time.

Gojo watched Geto’s face with poorly contained amusement. The best part about having you home is that you really pushed Geto to his limits. It was something about the sweetness of you, the way it balanced out Gojo’s bite that really seemed to fuck with Geto.  Geto’s cheeks were red, he could tell even in the limited light of your bedroom. It was way past sunset now.

“You better not come, Sugu, you promised her a good time. If you cum I’ll be forced to fuck her in front of you for… oh how long did you tell me? A week? You won’t touch her at all. And I’ll have her screaming my name all night,” Gojo taunted. You put one of your legs over his hip, hooking it around him and pulling him in.

“Shh,” you could feel yourself drifting off, “hold me.”

You woke up two hours later, Suguru’s breathing woke you up. It was hot against the nape of your neck. Gojo was curled into you, his face was against your chest and at some point you’d wrapped your arms around him to hold him there.  You turned your head but you could only look up at the ceiling.

“You wanna fuck me, sugar?” You murmured, aware of the sticky yet slick wetness smeared between your thighs.

“I’m sorry, you- Fuck, you just started gripping me in your sleep. And you’re so wet.” His voice sounded wrecked. Listening to the state of him set off a fire in your belly that made you tighten around him for a quick moment. He pressed his lips against your shoulders, letting out a wounded sound. You couldn’t have known but he spent the last two hours wide awake, unable to find even the smallest amount of relaxation as your wet heat held him. He’d kept his eyes closed, tried to think of any amount of unsexy things to rise to the challenge he’d accepted. However, his self control was crumbling the very moment he slid home inside of you. It felt so good, and so right. How was he supposed to relax?

“Hm, I was dreaming of you,” you admitted with a smile, thinking of the fading whispers of the dream you were in before he woke you, “Go on, I can take it. Fuck me.”

He moaned a devastated sound as he started rocking his hips into you. He kissed any part of your body that was close to him. You were wet and well past dripping, more like soaking. Every time his hips pressed against your ass he could feel your slick and as he pulled away, there was the slight stick of slowly drying cum. Your body was hot and impossibly soft against him, drawing him in, gripping at him as if it never wanted to let him go.

“I’m not gonna last long, sweet heart,” His voice shook with the restraint it took him not to just cum on the spot. The deep desperate timbre of his voice buzzed inside of your head, making your eyes roll back in pleasure.

“I know. Don’t worry, Satoru’s sleeping and I won’t hold it against you.”

He moved slowly careful not to jostle you too much. However Gojo was a heavy sleeper so he could get away with quite a bit as long as his pace was steady. He lifted you leg , changing the angle to get deeper inside of you as you lie on your side. You moaned a low guttural sound and it tingled from the back of his head to the base of his spine to hear you sound so gone with pleasure.

The angle Geto was at made him butt right up against your g-spot. You tried to hold back as he started to move faster, moaning unabashedly in your ear, but it was really inevitable what was going to happen.

“Sugu, you’re gonna make me-“

“You two are going at it already? Did he break the rule?” Satoru asked sleepily as the sound and motion of your coupling woke him. Before he could properly get his bearings? he felt something warm and wet splash against him, and continue to splash as Geto kept fucking into you. Geto came with a shout grabbing onto you with bruising force as he rode out the intense waves of pleasure crashing into his body. His sensitivity had already been heightened by how long he postponed his orgasm. He swore he was going to black out now that your sex kept spasming, clamping down with a vice-like grip. He couldn’t even stand to overstimulate himself. He had to get out of your pulsing sex lest it drive him absolute feral. He rolled on to his back, cursing sharply.

He threw his arm over his face. “And you two call me a goddamn monster! Give me back my soul, woman,” he said breathlessly. You giggled at his remark, nearly delirious.

“That was disgusting,” Gojo complained looking down at the wetness dripping down his stomach and crotch, “think you can do it again?”

You took note of the brightness in his eyes. He really was a bit crazy. “Let me sleep!!!!”

“You can’t sleep in a wet spot, baby,” he settled with a little laugh, “Come on.”

“I’m sleeping. Move me how you wish but the sex machine is closed for maintenance. I have had enough.”

Gojo didn’t actually want to be inside you, he just wanted to see you squirt again. He could wait for that. The three of you had the rest of your lives together. He did pick you up so he could move you to his room and clean you up a bit.  You were pretty much asleep as he drew the warm towel between your legs, and pressed sweet kisses to your body.

You felt him drop you carelessly on his bed. Any other time you would complain about it but you really didn’t have it in you. In another couple of minutes you felt him cover you with his comforter and bring his body close to your. You smiled as you felt him rest his cheek against one of your boobs and the hold the other one, “I love you.”

“I love yoooour boobs. I love your boobs.”

You smacked him in the back of his head and listened to his laughter. He turned and kissed your tit before settling back against it.

“I love you too.”

“Where’s Sugar?”

“Probably struggling to use his legs. You did a number on him. That fucking mega super soaker 3000 between your legs really took him out.”

You let out a loud laugh, “Shut up!”

“I saw his knees knock like a newborn fawn.”

You couldn’t stop giggling. The two of you were inconsolable when Suguru made it to the bedroom. You both turned to look at him. He was leaning against the doorframe staring at the two of you with a small frown. He looked tired. You both laughed even harder.

“Whats so funny?”

“Nothing,” you answered, closing your eyes. You didn’t want him to provoke him into having something to prove. Gojo nuzzled into your chest more comfortably.

“Come to bed, Suguru.”

It wasn’t until Suguru joined the two of you that you felt sleep tugging you into its depths.  You hoped to sleep for the next 12-14 hours.

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