#geto suguru x yn


[2:15am] geto suguru


You felt it scratch at the skin of your fingers as soon as you took them out of your pocket. The restaurant’s light flickered behind you, the last of the customers lifting their large coats.

You watched your breath form and disappear in the same second. The customers slurred a goodbye as they left but were met with silence and a nod.

Your fingers were starting to get numb by the time you managed to pull a thin cigarette from its pocket. You placed it between your lips with a sigh, pushing your hand back in your pocket, rummaging for something to light it with.

“Need some help?”

The voice was familiar. Before it would make your heart practically expand but now it made a cold chill run down your spine. You didn’t look up, movements slowing down.

“My soul?” The ever so gentle voice continued and you struggled to keep your tears to yourself, but kept your eyes to the ground before eventually pulling out the lighter you were looking for “Please.”

Your fingers were shaking as you tried lighting it “You’re not him.” you managed to grumble, once again not even looking at the man before you. His soul felt…different; cold, full of anger and unease. But the face you had so tenderly caressed, the hands that had once wrapped around yours in winters like these, the smile that spread to his eyes…those were the same.

The silence built between the two of you, broken only by a long inhale followed by a sharp exhale “My Geto was warm.” You muttered more to yourself “He was kind and made me feel at home.” Taking one more inhale, you threw the half finished cigarette in the snow by his feet “Give him back or go away.”


He felt it scratch at the skin of his fingers as soon as he took them out of his pocket, the restaurant’s light flickered behind you and he shoved them back into the warmth of his jacket.
