#ghost fan art


“II Beloved”

“Blessed is the man or ghoul, that serves its monarch not by duty, nor curse, nor oath, but out of love for the children of Lucifer, for theirs is the kingdom of hell.”

‘Once a priest was possessed by a demon, but instead of rejecting his newfound curse, he chose to embrace it. Where a normal man would be consumed, he remained sane, for it was his love that allowed him to preserve his human nature, and so in time, the creature inside of him, loved too.“

'Was the man turned into a demon? Or was the demon turned into a man?”

For@ciriceart, this is their OC, Father Cirice.
I just think he’s neat.

Hello my dears and Happy Valentine’s Day!This was a particular Valentine’s Day for me: spent fHello my dears and Happy Valentine’s Day!This was a particular Valentine’s Day for me: spent f

Hello my dears and Happy Valentine’s Day!

This was a particular Valentine’s Day for me: spent face-to-face with my illustration for a good 27 hours straight (no joke, in fact I’m slightly beat). But it was worth it! These are two of the commissions I completed today! I hope you like them!

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