#ghost lore


You know what I want?

I want Ghost to cover or do something with My Chemical Romance’s Mama from The Black Parade

Just imagine

Everything is falling, the buildings, the bodies, the hopes of many. This once great and proud city has begun to fall. The debris spiraling to the ground around him and the dust brings fire with it. The confusion and panic begin to settle in the realization of what is happening. Papa 4 cries out, for someone to save him. He was originally okay with the thought of death but this was different. What was happening finally sunk in. Facing it himself was different. After the constant beratement from everyone he thought he was ready for this change. He WAS prepared for something like this to happen. Watching the fire creeping around him while it’s warmth was different. He began to remember every mistake he ever made, every letdown and slip up. In this moment he was more self-aware than ever.

In this moment he froze, he knew he was going to die and he wasn’t ready. He did the only thing he could think of. Looking for a way out proved pointless. So screaming and pleading for Sister Imperator to just do something became his only option. Maybe someone would hear him, take pitty, and save him. Yet no one heard. He screamed till his lungs hurt, breathing in smoke and dust didn’t help for his worsening condition. Yet he continued for a woman he KNEW was supposed to save him, left him to die. Everything begins to fade the sound becomes dull and empty his screams quickly following.

He dies alone buried in debris

This time, something was different. A few seconds had passed till he opened his eyes again. Once believed he lived through this event but quickly shot that idea down. No one could have survived that alone. So while looking around, his eyes land on the shapes in front of him. With a few more quick blinks and his eye finally adjusting to the new surround, this shapes was familiar. Papa 4 began to get up and fix himself to appear more proper and for the other three Papa’s before him. Yet they just nodded at him in recognition of him being there but not speaking to him.

As they turned around together and began to walk, Papa 4 questioned their choices as he wasn’t sure where they were going. For what he knew there was nothing left. Yet thought it would be best to follow. Seeing as he was just screaming for someone to help him. This was a gift, a weird gift but still a gift.

Why not follow your dead brethren into the known.

As he walked quickly to catch up with them, they began to sing a familiar tune, one he swore he knew but wasn’t sure why. He dropped this thought as soon as it came to him, choosing to pick the moment instead of his mind.

So he began to sing with them

“We’re damned after all

Through fortune and flame we fall

And if you can stay then I’ll show you the way

To return from the ashes you call

We all carry on

When our brothers in arms are gone

So raise your glass high for tomorrow we die

And return from the ashes you call”

As they fade into the distance, Papa 4 joining them.

Canon wise:

Do you think Papa 4 knows what Sister did to get his spot as Papa or does he have no thought behind those eyes

I like the hc that he knows that he just plays it off like he’s doesn’t know but he does and helped her
