#giant baby villain


LOL hi yes I’m still alive, just fell off the face of the earth and accidentally wrote my first JiKook fic (yes it’s a songfic - it’s inspired by Jimin’s first OST WIth You, which dropped yesterday and is breaking records left and right.  Do yourself a favor and go listen to it).  So I’m just going to drop this here - I’m not tagging anyone since this isn’t a Bucky fic and idk if anyone is interested in this (except @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety​ - surprise!)  But you should be.  Jimin and Jungkook are amazing and they have my whole heart.  Just saying.

Moodboard by the incredibly talented @promisenolies​ (sorry, too lazy to get your bird account so tumblr credit will have to do)

When Jungkook begins to wake, he does the first thing he always does when consciousness first eclipses sleep; he reaches for his moon, his light.  His angel.  

His reason.

He lets out a noise that’s something between a whine and a groan when his searching fingers find nothing but cool sheets and four scattered pillows to his right.  The lack of an answering whine tells him Bam isn’t in the room either – undoubtably with Jimin.  

“Traitors,” he mutters into his pillow before lifting one eyelid just enough to take a glimpse at the clock on Jimin’s nightstand.  It’s 9:08; certainly not early by normal standards, but it’s Sunday.  Their favorite day when they aren’t touring, Sundays are for being lazy with one another, for whispers and slow cuddles while binging their favorite shows, for taking their time worshipping one another. And pancakes.  Jungkook’s pout slowly transforms into a smile.

He stretches before finally getting out of bed, then pulls on a pair of cotton pajama pants.  He misses Jimin, so he doesn’t bother spending the time looking for a shirt.  The second he steps through their bedroom door, though, he stops.  He’s in a hurry, but Jimin’s angelic voice is softly resonating in the hallway and he can’t help but stop and listen.

Just take it all

I’m nothing without your love

I promise I’ll never leave your love

My heart is beating ’cause of you

Jungkook closes his eyes and smiles.  He knows Jimin is singing softly to not disturb him, but that doesn’t change the perfect tone, or the way the lyrics - carried by Jimin’s voice – intertwine themselves intimately within Jungkook’s soul.  He swears his partner’s voice could heal any wound; emotional, psychological, or physical, it doesn’t matter.  His singing is the remedy.

There’s a soft rustling of paper, and Jungkook remembers that Jimin is recording tomorrow – and suddenly it makes sense why he woke up alone.  Jimin has probably been up for hours practicing, making notes on his sheet music, and trying to perfect the English pronunciations.

He pads softly down the hallway, not wanting to interrupt his love’s concentration but also unable to stay away any longer.  But, as usual, when he turns the corner and lays eyes upon the one he adores, his heart stops and so does he.

Jimin stands at the counter, gently swaying and humming the melody softly to himself as he writes a note on a page Jungkook assumes holds the lyrics.  He’s wearing the oversized Mickey and Minnie tee shirt Jungkook bought him while on their Tokyo trip – it’s got no less than three holes in it and has started to fade with how often it’s been worn and washed, but Jimin refuses to throw it away, even though Jungkook has promised to buy him a new one. He’s barefoot, wearing black sweatpants with just one leg hiked up to his knee, and he’s pulled half his hair back in a high ponytail while his youth tattoo plays peekaboo from behind his ear and the strands of hair that managed to escape being pulled back.  Barefaced but still wearing the earrings he hadn’t taken out from yesterday, Jungkook’s heart clenches with how soft Jimin looks. He didn’t think it was possible to love someone this much, but it is.  It is.

Then there’s the mess – Jimin is a decent cook, but he’s walking chaos in the kitchen.  There’s a handprint shaped smear of flour on Jimin’s sweatpants,  a light dusting of flour on the floor next to the stove and in Jimin’s hair, and almost every mixing bowl they own has been pulled out and placed on the countertop. Flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, milk, oil, butter, and vanilla are scattered all around in a way that makes absolutely no sense to Jungkook.  The pan on the stovetop is already preheating, and there’s a bowl of batter sitting next to it.

And then there’s Bam, lying on the kitchen floor – close to Jimin but not so close as to be in the way – and gazing so intently with adoration at Jimin that he doesn’t even notice Jungkook standing in the doorway until he feels his owner’s glare.

Jungkook raises his brows and, after giving a silent command, he manages to hold in his laughter at his dog’s guilty expression at having been caught.  Bam glances at Jimin then back to Jungkook before rising and walking out to the doorway – he knows he’s not supposed to be in the kitchen, but Jimin usually lets him get away with it.  Jungkook isn’t mad, but right now he just wants Jimin to himself.

Jimin puts down the sheet music and turns to the stove and begins carefully plopping spoonfuls of batter into the hot pan.  When he starts singing again, Jungkook’s feet move of their own volition.

I wanna be with you

And I wanna stay with you

Just like the stars shining bright

You’re glowing once more

As Jimin softly sings the last line, Jungkook gently puts his hands on Jimin’s hips.  Jimin, who probably knew Jungkook was there the whole time because he’s always been able to just sense him, leans his back into Jungkook’s chest before grabbing the other’s hands from his hips and pulling them to wrap around him.

Jungkook pauses only to press a reverent kiss to the moon tattoo at the back of his lover’s neck before he puts his lips to Jimin’s ears and begins singing the next verse, because of course he knows it.  They’ve been singing this song together for weeks, practicing and perfecting it as though Jungkook were recording the other half of the duet with Jimin.

Right here beside you, I’m still

Walking wherever you go

You will live forever in me

Breathing deeply, within me

They stay like that, swaying softly as Jungkook sings the other half of the duet, until Jimin giggles.

“What is it with you and pancakes?”  

Jungkook nips Jimin’s ear, “It’s got nothing to do with the pancakes and everything to do with you, Jiminie.  And you know that.“  He was trying to sound all serious, maybe even sexy, but can’t help but huff out a laugh. “The pancakes are just a bonus.”

Jimin turns in his arms and wraps a hand around the back of Jungkook’s neck to pull him in for a kiss. “Are you sure?  Because you sure get all hot and bothered when I make pancakes.”

Jungkook gasps in fake indignation.  “I will have you know that I am not all hot and bothered.”  He pauses.  “Well maybe a little.  But I can’t help it, I’m with you.  But overall I am feeling romantic, thank you very much.”

Jimin smiles and starts singing the first half of the chorus, and Jungkook harmonizes perfectly. Their voices blend together as seamlessly as their minds, hearts, and souls, so neither is surprised to find themselves singing and slow dancing around the kitchen.

Bam lets out a low whine, but neither pay him any attention.  They finish the song, then start again after a deep kiss.  “Practice makes perfect, right?”

Jimin’s more than a little breathless when he answers, “Yes, Jungkookie, you’re absolutely right.”   If there’s more kissing than singing this time around, who would complain?

The pancakes.  The pancakes complain.  Loudly.

They were so wrapped up in one another that neither noticed how the atmosphere in the kitchen was turning hazy. The smoke from their intensely burned breakfast sets off the smoke detector, and Jimin dissolves into helpless laughter when Jungkook scrambles to climb up on the countertop in order to reach the screeching smoke detector.  He manages to untwist it from its holder and tosses it to Jimin, who briefly fumbles it before shoving it into the drawer holding the dishtowels.  Finally the shrieking stops.

Jungkook, from his place standing on their granite countertop, looks down at his partner. Jimin, who laughs with such joy.  His Jimin, who is in no position to help Jungkook down from the counter because he himself has collapsed to the floor, one arm flung over his eyes and one across his probably aching stomach.  Jungkook can’t contain his grin as he climbs down, shuts off the burner, places the pan into the sink, and slides down to sit beside his still giggling partner.

The moment Jungkook is seated, Jimin suddenly sobers and sits up straight.

“Do you think we beat her?” he whispers, but it’s comically loud in the sudden silence.

Jungkook stills and listens very, very carefully.    His whisper is equally loud, “I don’t think I hear sirens; and we would by now if she called.  I think we did it.”

Jimin’s eyes grow wide. “We got the smoke detector turned off before Mrs. Kim called the fire department.”

Jungkook nods in disbelief at their shared accomplishment.  “I think we did!”  He raises his hand and Jimin immediately gives him a high five.  “For the first time since we moved in, we were faster than her!”  They break out into a seated victory dance, stopping only when Jimin sees Bam’s judgmental stare.

“Aww, you tried to warn us, didn’t you Bam.”  The dog allows himself a small whine in the back of his throat, but doesn’t move from his spot in the entryway.  Bam knows his dad probably won’t let him in the kitchen unless he’s distracted by his otherdad.

Jungkook smiles with pride. “It’s not your fault we didn’t listen. Good boy, Bam.”  The dog’s tail starts thumping against the floor as he begins to move, so Jungkook continues, “No, you may not come in here.”  With another whine, Bam lays his head back on his paws.  

Jimin gracefully rises from the floor and holds out a hand to help his partner up.  “I can still make us pancakes, Jungkookie.”  His smile is still bright and he’s still practically glowing from all the laughter.  He’s always beautiful but right now, barefaced and joyful, he’s beyond ethereal.

Jungkook pulls Jimin close and whispers, “I know, baby.”  And he does – he noticed quite a while ago that Jimin started scaling up the recipe to compensate for the first batch always being burned.  “And I want some.  But right now, I want youmore.”

And since there aren’t any pancakes burning to a crisp to ruin the moment, Jungkook waits until Jimin’s arms are wrapped around his neck before reaching down, grabbing Jimin by the back of his thighs, and hiking him up into his arms.

Bam watches in the doorway and heaves a disappointed sigh as his dad carries his other dad into their bedroom.  It’s going to be awhile before his humans will want to play with him.  But that’s okay.  His dads got him a new stuffie to destroy.

The following day, Jungkook goes with Jimin to the recording studio.  When Jimin records the song, it’s with Jungkook mouthing the words to the other part from the other side of the window.
