#gift from the princess who brought sleep

 Everyone swallowed my gift And became happy, each and every one As the only one who can’t sleep, I

Everyone swallowed my gift
And became happy, each and every one
As the only one who can’t sleep, I instead
Obtained freedom and riches

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I was having a hard time coming up with a drawing because I was just so lazy, distracted, and tired.I was having a hard time coming up with a drawing because I was just so lazy, distracted, and tired.I was having a hard time coming up with a drawing because I was just so lazy, distracted, and tired.I was having a hard time coming up with a drawing because I was just so lazy, distracted, and tired.I was having a hard time coming up with a drawing because I was just so lazy, distracted, and tired.I was having a hard time coming up with a drawing because I was just so lazy, distracted, and tired.I was having a hard time coming up with a drawing because I was just so lazy, distracted, and tired.I was having a hard time coming up with a drawing because I was just so lazy, distracted, and tired.I was having a hard time coming up with a drawing because I was just so lazy, distracted, and tired.

I was having a hard time coming up with a drawing because I was just so lazy, distracted, and tired. So I just ended up tracing a bottle of Gifts with different colors depending on the variant, the ones which colors are mentioned in the light novels and short stories get colored accordingly, while those that aren’t are improvised. I also added mist to the 6th and 8th variants because they’re airborne.

I also made a version of this drawing that has the Ninth Gift for DeviantART because it’s non-canon, it’s for fanworks and RPs between friends only.

- First Gift
The original formula for Gift, developed by the shamans of Elphegort. Although originally intended to act as a sleeping medication, it was easy to provide the incorrect dosage and cause premature death when ingested. Because of this, it was seldom used. It was utilized by Countess Mikulia of Calgaround to poison her husband, Gilbert.

- Second Gift
The Gift formula developed by Plus Rogzé. Improving upon the original product by Elphegort’s shamans, the noble refined it into a deadlier poison. It was potent enough that a single drop could kill a person when ingested. It was used to great effect by his two children, Prim and Presi.

- Third Gift
The Gift formula developed by Mayrana Blossom. A refined variant of the Second Gift, it was mixed with animal blood as an experiment to hide its nature as a poison. However, due to an improper mix-ratio, the Gift was ineffective as a poison and deemed a failure. It had a red color.

- Fourth Gift
The first Gift formula to be developed by Margarita Blankenheim. Improving upon the failed Third Gift, it was developed into a proper poison that could swiftly kill the afflicted when ingested. As a byproduct, it remained undetectable by seventh century medical technology after killing the affected.

- Fifth Gift
The second Gift formula to be developed by Margarita Blankenheim. Once ingested, it was able to put the affected in a comatose state for several weeks. It was possible for the victim to briefly wake up from the coma but they would suffer from convulsions soon after and die.

- Sixth Gift
The third Gift formula to be developed by Margarita Blankenheim. The poison was transformed into an airborne toxin that caused the afflicted to die after several days of being in contact with the toxin; the infection spread like a disease over a wide range and was able to kill many within a short period of time.

- Seventh Gift
The fourth Gift formula to be developed by Margarita Blankenheim. Created as a means to help awaken subconscious memories, it was created by Margarita for her planned suicide attempt and help reawaken her fragmented memories. It had a teal green color.

- Eighth Gift
The Gift formula developed by Michelle Marlon sometime after the Third Period’s destruction. Like the Sixth Gift, the poison was airborne. As it spread through the air, the poisoned thinned out until it became invisible to the naked eye. The poison was able to affect human souls, inducing them to enter a deep sleep. However, souls blessed by the Millennium Tree were immune to the poison’s effects. It had a green color.

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