#giggly mess of boys



All these broke hearts but mines the one bleeding (m.c)

You, again - Part 5

Pairing: Soulmate! Michael Clifford x fem! Soulmate! Reader

Summary: Secrets are told. And maybe love can only be as strong…

Warnings: Angst. Language. Mentions of death, toxic couples, divorce, a bit of slut shamming. Some grammatical errors (English is not my first language I’m sorry!)

Word count:4K

Author’s Note: Yeah, I cried with this one. Remember that Reblogs are super important and that writers like to feel appreciated! Comments and feedback always help Hope you like it and Happy Reading ✨

My masterlist // taglist on bio! // series masterlist



Morning rolled around and Michael found himself literally rolling around the bed and falling to the floor. A floor he wasn’t very familiar with given that he fell on top of a very fluffy carpet.

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