#gilbert blythe headcanon



°°° header is not mine


  • Gilbert Blythe

The Amy To My Laurie-In which, the students of Avonlea read Little Women and Gilbert Blythe plays your perfect Laurie.


  • Gilbert Blythe

Prove Me Wrong?-Dating Gilbert Blythe would look something like this…


none yet!


none yet!

The Amy to My Laurie

Pairing: Gilbert Blythe x Fem!Reader

Word Count: 1.6k

Warnings:None? Little Women spoilers?


Summary:In which, the students of Avonlea read Little Women and Gilbert Blythe plays your perfect Laurie.

The leaves in Avonlea were shifting to a tinted orange as summer fell into fall.

Children in Avonlea were quite delighted by this change as they enjoyed viewing the small metamorphosis in their environment. The fallen leaves would crunch under their feet as they walked through the forest traveling different paths to set off on their day.

But the changing of the leaves signaled the start of the school year and not many children in Avonlea were excited for that. Gilbert Blythe and Y/N L/N were not those types of students. The two friends enjoyed the change in weather as well as what it signaled the start of. Their trek to school consisted of their shoes crunching down on leaves and small talk on whatever the other had read and finally, what new book was to come for the class.

“I think it’s about time we read some Shakespeare.” Gilbert triumphed, kicking a rock with the point of his shoe.

“Shakespeare?” you tease. “Heavens, that’d be a difficult read, wouldn’t it?”

He grinned. “Nothing you couldn’t handle, Y/N.”

“You’ve got that right.” you say.

Gilbert nudged your side, a smirk crossing his face. “Besides, Shakespeare wrote plays. Maybe you could be my Juliet.”

Your cheeks flushed and you shoved him lightly. “You wish.”

He squinted. “I do? I’m pretty sure I just said I did.”

You laugh. “Stop with your teasing.” the school house was only a few feet away and you removed your coat eagerly. “Come on!”

English was the last portion of the day and you dreaded each arithmetic problem and history quiz that stood in the way of the new book. When Mr. Phillips finally did announce the story, it was met by a series of groans and sighs.

“Little Women?” Billy exclaimed. “That sounds so boring.”

“You’re only saying that because it’s about women.” you sigh, mocking his face causing some of your classmates to laugh.

“Exactly.” he sneers. “Guess you’re not as stupid as I thought you were.”

You rolled your eyes, opening the book and quietly began to read. You peaked over and saw Gilbert was doing the same. He had an upturned smile as he read and his hair fell slightly over his eyes. You scolded yourself for staring, returning to Jo’s initial introduction to the story.

Over the course of the week, you had gradually continued on with the chapters, becoming more absorbed in the world of the March women as you did. Each afternoon, you walked home with Gilbert who never hesitated to read ahead.

“What chapter are you on?” he pestered, shoving his book in a bag.

You smile. “The one we were supposed to stop on.”

“You’re such a goody two shoes,” he teased. “Anyway, who’s your favorite character so far?”

You take a moment to think, loving all the characters vividly and for different reasons. “I think my favorite is Laurie. He’s a big sweetheart.” you rustle his hair affectionately, “Reminds me of you.”

Gilbert’s cheeks flush pink as he swats your hand away. “Nice to know even in a fictional world you’ll think of me.”

A laugh escapes your lips as you tear away from his gaze. He smiles, twirling a leave in his hand. “Well, my favorite character is Jo.”

His house was approaching in the distance and you were saddened with the unfortunate ending to your walk together. He walks you up to the stairs and he turns to you before walking in. “Don’t you want to know why?”

With a smirk, you decide to amuse him. “Why?”

This time his hand wounds up in your hair, rustling it with a smirk, his nose inches from yours. “Because she reminds me of you.”

He gives you a wink before walking through the front door, leaving you out on the porch with a racing heart.

The reading continued on and you found yourself fighting off the urge to go along with Gilbert and read ahead. Every walk home in the afternoon he rambled on and teased about how he knew what was going to happen. One day he had almost spoiled it but you had clasped your hand over his lips before he could continue causing him to raise his eyebrows with a smirk.

“Guess you really don’t want to know what happens.” he sighs, looking up at the clouds.

You shake your head. “I don’t need you spoiling it for me. You’re a lot like Laurie now that I think of it. He’d definitely try and spoil a book as well.”

Gilbert smiled. “Seeing as I know something you don’t know I have a question to ask.”

You grinned, swinging your basket of books lightly. “And what may that be?”

“If you had to be one of the March girls, who would you be?” 

The answer came quickly to you. “I’d want to be Amy.” you reply, changing your mannerisms to mirror Amy’s. “She’s like Jo but more sophisticated. She likes art and French and gets to travel through Europe. Besides, she’s realistic. She knows she’s going to get married one day and to a rich man which she finds no shame in. Amy’s got a strong mind and I admire that.” 

Gilbert nodded, a slight frown falling over his lips. “If I asked you to be Jo, would you be?” 

You stopped, curious of his question. “Why?” 

He stopped as well, his house approaching in the distance as it did every afternoon. “Well, I know something you don’t know.” 

You sigh. “Gilbert Blythe, you better not spoil the book for me.” 

He grinned. “I won’t. I won’t. All I’m asking is for you to be the Jo to my Laurie.” 

You gaze up at him. His face beaming and standing proud, charming stature overall. Very Laurie-esque, you noted. You knew the smile on his face would grow two-fold if you gave him the answer he desired and perhaps you would concede just to watch it grow. “I suppose Amy could be a close second although I’d like to point out that Jo wouldn’t want me to change my favorite for you.” you pointed out. 

He rolls his eyes with a chuckle. “Is that a yes?” 

“Yes.” you laugh, turning off the path to walk the rest of the way to your own house. “Goodbye, Gilbert.” 

“Goodbye, Y/N.” he called, smirking at the little trick you would soon discover he played.


Discover you did and you had flushed in the middle of class, causing a few stares to go your way. Laurie’s obvious attraction to Jo but then there was her reluctance. As you read further, Jo had turned Laurie down. The symbolism made you confused as to what his words the other day had meant. When you glanced over at Gilbert, he was deeply drawn into the book, a slight frown on his face. This urged you to read quicker than ever but by the time class was done, you hadn’t yet finished the last few pages and left the school wondering what was going to happen to Amy and Laurie in Nice. 

The walk home left you with many questions and while going over the possibilities, Gilbert stopped your train of thought with another odd question. 

“Y/N?” he asked. 

“Yeah?” you replied. 

His fingers twiddled with another crisp autumn leaf, “I don’t want you to be Jo anymore.” 

You paused, eyes squinting in confusion. “Okay? Who do you want me to be then?” 

His cheeks were dusted red, leaving you with more questions than before. “I think you’d suit well as Amy.” 

You nod slowly. “I like that. Why the sudden change of heart?” 

He nodded towards the basket in your left hand, “Where did you leave off in the book?” 

“I have two pages left in the chapter where Laurie and Amy are in Nice.” 

He opened the top of your basket, pulling out the book and pressing it into your palm. “Can you finish it?” 

You look around, his house a little less than a quarter mile away. “Here?” you ask weirdly. 

He nods. Cautiously, you sit on an empty boulder, Gilbert’s back pressed against a tree gazing at the sky as you opened the book. His cheeks were still dusted a light pink. Your eyes scanned the page carefully, making sure not to miss a word. Amy and Laurie were rowing a boat down the river, the scene felt oddly romantic. That was when you got to the last few words, your own cheeks heating up at the implication in the two lovers words. 

You close the book with a gulp. Gilbert’s cheeks no longer held the pink instead that soft smirk of his was settled on his lips. “Well?” 

The two of you continued your walk home, your heart still racing and the tension between you two thickening. His house was coming closer and you desperately wish it wasn’t. You stopped right before the pathway. “I think you should have listened to me when I said I wanted to be Amy.” 

He chuckled. “Perhaps I should’ve.” he pushed a stray hair away from your eyes, your gaze not leaving his and your heart pounding. “How well we walk together, don’t we?” he teased. 

You nodded, his words all so similarly matching Amy’s words to Laurie. He leaned down, a smirk no longer on his face instead an intimate look of care overtaking his features. You looked up. “So well that I wish we might always walk together.” 

He smiled, his fingers dancing across your cheek. “Be the Amy to my Laurie?” 

You grinned softly. “Of course.” 

His lips met yours on the path that day, the autumn leaves falling and his house a few feet away. He rustled your hair once before ascending into his house, leaving you with a goofy grin on your face and feeling very much like Amy March thanks to him. 


Let me know what you thought? Let me know if you want to be added to my taglist!

I currently don’t have an Anne with an E taglist and I don’t want to disturb my Forever Friends because I don’t know if they like Anne with an E so… yeah. 
