#gilbert blythe x yn


Prove Me Wrong?

Requested: By an anon


Dating Gilbert Blythe would look something like this…

  • Avonlea is a small town so you two had known each other for years.
  • Both of you fell into an odd category of the population in Avonlea. Intelligent students, bright, mature… but secretly dreamers.
  • It was the one part of childhood that clutched to both of you.
  • Ever since you were little it was maps of the world and charted courses across Europe and the Atlantic.
  • “Y/N, we’ve got to mark in Paris some time along the way.”
  • “Then how would we fit in Barcelona?”
  • “We’ll fit both in.”
  • It seemed as though that’s how all friendships started, right? But how does friendship turn to romance? How does studying together in mutuality turn to study dates? Friendly lunches to a lovers picnic?
  • It came first with a fiery rivalry spilled with passion and slowly melted into realization that there was something more.
  • Academic rivalry was the start and it all began with the Shakespearean unit in class. You were Juliet and he landed the part of Romeo and whilst both of you were smart neither of you were well-versed in Shakespeare.
  • So it stumbled over words until Gilbert started poking fun at you.
  • “Thy… thy.. wither???”
  • “You suck at this.”
  • “So do you!”
  • “No I don’t.”
  • ** proves it by magically spouting a perfect line of Shakespeare**
  • You don’t know whether to blush from the romantic implications of the line or get angry because he outdid you.
  • You choose anger because it’s easier.
  • Going home and practicing Shakespeare even more just so you are able to prove to him that you indeed can recite Shakespeare.
  • Class tomorrow comes and Gilbert is both entirely ready to see you be adorable and stumble over your words but also ready to defend you if the class comes for you.
  • But then you’re there reciting perfectly and gracefully.
  • “O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?”
  • He’s the one slightly stumbling over his words because you sound so peaceful? So poetic? You looked beautiful and had even came to school in a pretty dress just to play the part of Juliet.
  • He desperately wanted to tell you that you looked like Juliet every day.
  • ** love **
  • Pretending not to get jealous when Billy compliments you on your reading.
  • But Gilbert being Gilbert… he’s quick-witted so he finds a way to use your competitiveness to his advantage.
  • “So I see your reading improved drastically.”
  • “I suppose it has.”
  • “All that just to prove me wrong? I wonder what extent you’re pride would reach.”
  • “It’s rather enjoyable proving you wrong so I’m thinking pretty far.”
  • He grinned like a fool. “You know, I’m starting to think you don’t really like me at all. Perhaps you’d be willing to prove me wrong there?”
  • Your eyebrows raised with a smirk. “You’re brave, Blythe.”
  • “I’m hoping you are too.”
  • You flushed in embarrassment. “How do you want me to prove to you that I am your friend, Gil?”
  • He smiled. “You could… kiss me?”
  • You spluttered. “Friends don’t kiss, Gilbert.”
  • He stared at you sincerely in the way he always did. Even when you were little he had a talent at making you melt. His eyes warm and face no longer holding the confidence it always held. His vulnerability had a way of making you vulnerable.
  • So surprisingly he didn’t have to speak before your lips were on his for only a few moments. You had gripped his collar and it was his turn to flush.
  • “I think I proved it to you, don’t you think?”
  • Dating was no different than friendship except now your feelings weren’t something hidden but expressed.
  • Gilbert promising you that he’ll find a way for the both of you to travel together.
  • Mr. Blythe loved you very much even as a kid. You helped Gilbert take care of him. The weight of his health felt less heavy with you by his side.
  • Writing letter to each other even when there was no need. Yours were in blue ink and his were in green.
  • Reading together. Your head would fall on his shoulder and he’d place a kiss to your forehead.
  • He’s definitely a flowers kind of guy so you’d have bouquets of them.
  • Surprisingly, Gilbert was the better baker and you the better at math. He didn’t mind letting you take over the finances and you didn’t mind him cooking for you.
  • Equality everyone.
  • Literally just a bundle of wholesomeness.

AWAE Taglist:@jorjawrites I forgot the rest lmao
