

For@gilthoniel-o-elbereth. I tried to incorporate some of your likes, such as pining and warmth/softness between Wangxian. Hopefully you like this, and I’m so sorry if it’s too angsty for you. I’m an angst writer, so I feel like I have a different idea of what’s ‘happy’ aksjkfajs. In any case, I really hope you like it!


Safe Haven

The sky was stormy and grey, a thick expanse of clouds obscuring the sun. Wei Wuxian couldn’t force himself to smile at the promise of a coming rainstorm like he’d been able to in the past. He wasn’t even sure he remembered how.

Inside, he knew, Yanli was watching over Jiang Cheng with care. She was tending to his wounds and trying to feed him and Wei Wuxian knew she would do anything to put a smile on their brother’s face. But life didn’t work like that. The only thing that would fix Jiang Cheng was gone, destroyed; never to be returned. It wasn’t a matter of helping Jiang Cheng recover. It was a matter of waiting for the inevitable.

I can’t let that happen.

Wei Wuxian closed his eyes for a second, trying to find peace, to settle himself in the knowledge of what he had to do. There was nothing he wouldn’t do to save Jiang Cheng. There was nothing he wouldn’t do to protect his family.

Continue on AO3
