
#vwbus #gimmie (at Van Neste Park)

#vwbus #gimmie (at Van Neste Park)

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nice smooshy kitty bed =^-^= it’s like a heabbag (without beans) but has a bed inside OMGERED

nice smooshy kitty bed =^-^=

it’s like a heabbag (without beans) but has a bed inside OMGERED i WANT


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Blorbo-Gen is here! Blorbo-Gen is here! Now with text, too!

Like Skrimblo-Gen, Blorbo-Gen is a (decently) genetically accurate visual cat generator, for you to generate any cat you could possibly imagine (within the confines of the genes I’ve had the opportunity to upload thus far, anyway :))

Along with text aids, Blorbo-Gen also features a reference key in the side panel for anyone looking to learn, or make sure they have accurate gene sets for their Blorbos. In the info tab [ i ], along with some ‘About’ information is a link to Sparrows Garden for anyone that wants to do some learning! I only know so much and don’t consider myself an authority on the matter of genes, as much as I love to help others learn.

You can find Blorbo-Gen at https://perchance.org/blorbo-gen-text. There is also a non-text version of Blorbo-Gen, here.

As with Skrimblo-Gen, If you have any specific marking requests/requests for things to be added just shoot a message and I’ll be happy to add it to my to-do’s!

Skrimblo-Gen will be staying up, as I feel Blorbo-Gen and Skrimbo-Gen fit two different vibes and I see no reason to take it down.

Happy randomizing!



Step it up

I want one!

I want one!

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