

Title: a little chocolate now and then

Author:Pineau_noir /@pineau-noir​ 

Pairing: Ginny Weasley/Pansy Parkinson

Rating: Explicit

Word Count: 4202

Prompt #: 55 - Ginny tries to teach Pansy how to bake brownies (maybe weed brownies) but Pansy is more intent on licking the batter and her girlfriend than actually learning the recipe… 

Senses: Taste, Touch

Warnings: references to marjuana, making pot brownies


There are few things Pansy Parkinson holds dear, but first and foremost is her girlfriend, Ginny.

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This work is part of the Taste of Smut Fest, a Harry Potter-centered fest dedicated to the five senses: taste, touch, smell, hearing, and sight. If you’ve enjoyed this work, please do shower our content creators with kudos and comments!
