#girl group

nakedwithoutthenudity: Anna Herrin, Mame Adjei, Xian Mikol, and Natalie Roser Beautiful bunch


Anna Herrin, Mame Adjei, Xian Mikol, and Natalie Roser

Beautiful bunch

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 Laysha: Kim Go Eun / Go Eun Yang Laysha: Kim Go Eun / Go Eun Yang Laysha: Kim Go Eun / Go Eun Yang Laysha: Kim Go Eun / Go Eun Yang Laysha: Kim Go Eun / Go Eun Yang Laysha: Kim Go Eun / Go Eun Yang Laysha: Kim Go Eun / Go Eun Yang

 Laysha: Kim Go Eun / Go Eun Yang

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Momo as Your GF

A/N: Hi guys, girls, and non-binary pearls! Hope you’re doing well, and if not, I hope your day improves from here on out!

If you enjoyed this fic, then you should check out my Masterlist!

TW: Food mentions

- Likes to goof around and joke with you a lot

- Dancing machine Momo likes to teach you her dance moves

- And then she laughs when you horribly butcher them.

- You’re always calling her cute, especially when she sneezes.

- Is usually quieter when you’re not around.

- She will dramatically run into your arms if you visit her at work.

- Loves you forever if you make/bring her food.

- “You brought me food? You’re the best, babe!”

- Food is definitely the way to her heart.

- She keeps a scrapbook of the pictures that you two take together so she can have something to look back on when she misses you the most.

Take Me Away (TMA): Siyeon’s Shattered Ending - The Darkness Covers Our Way

A/N: Ah, here comes some of the last angst in the whole series! I hope you enjoy reading this chapter, even if your heart doesn’t. ;)

If you like this chapter and want to read more, then you should check out the TMA Masterlist!

TW: Angst, wolves, I think this is the saddest ending so… I’m sorry to all of my Siyeon biases.

You don’t hesitate to clasp the moonstone bracelet on your wrist as you think of Siyeon.

She’s a woman who has a closet of skeletons behind her. SIyeon deserves nothing but kindness and love, and I wish that I was around to give her that. I guess that’s why I’m coming back, besides the obvious reason that I miss her.

You drift off in your comfortable bed as you try to think of anything but Siyeon.


You wake up in the middle of the forest as a sense of dreadful familiarity washes over you.

Isn’t this the place where Siyeon…

Sure enough, a wolf version of Siyeon slowly approaches you. It doesn’t look as threatening as before, but you’re scared out of your mind.

God, don’t kill me again! I can’t do that again; besides, I’m dead dead if I die. There’s no redos.

You watch the sunrise above the horizon, and you sigh in relief.

Siyeon will be okay when the sun touches her.

You wait for Siyeon to transform, but nothing happens. The wolf simply looks at you with a blank expression as you try to remain hopefully.

…Why isn’t this working? Is this not werewolves work?

The wolf looks away from you at the sun before looking back at you.

“Siyeon?” You mumble. “If you’re in there, please come out. I’m scared, and I need to see you again. Please.”

The wolf whines before hiding its face with one of its paws.

“Siyeon… I can’t live in this world without you. I need you!”

Tears nearly fall out of your eyes at your desperate plea. The wolf removes its paw before running off.

“SIYEON!” You cry out before collapsing into a pile of your own misery.

I just wanted to help… how could that go so wrong for both of us?

 THE DEEP SPACE SIRENS a band consisting of the five most bodacious babes in the cosmos (WIP)


 a band consisting of the five most bodacious babes in the cosmos (WIP)

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gguess who is back

hi cuties, how are you guys doing? im bringing this tumblr back with new bts stuff, requests are open so dont be shy and ask something.

this is my side blog, @oharadot , where i will be posting girlgroup stuff, hope you support me.

girl group
girl group