#siyeon imagines


Take Me Away (TMA): Siyeon’s Restored Ending - When The Moonlight Guides Me To You

A/N: I hope you all are doing well, and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

If you’re looking for a place to get caught up, or if you want to start reading the series, the TMA Masterlist is the place for you!

TW: Fluffiness

You don’t hesitate to clasp the moonstone bracelet on your wrist as you think of Siyeon.

She’s a woman who has a closet of skeletons behind her. SIyeon deserves nothing but kindness and love, and I wish that I was around to give her that. I guess that’s why I’m coming back, besides the obvious reason that I miss her.

You drift off in your comfortable bed as you don’t think of anything but Siyeon.


You wake up in the very small cottage in that tiny village, but the moonlight that radiates through your window tells you that it’s night.

It’s not a full moon… so where’s Siyeon?

You pull yourself out of bed, and you enter the only other room in your house.

“Y/N! You took too long of a nap. You need to get changed so we can go to the Flower Dance!” Siyeon says excitedly as she looks your way.

Has it really been a year since the first one?

“Sorry. I’ll change now.” You rub your eyes before heading back into the bedroom.

I missed seeing her. I have so much time to make up for.

You find a nice outfit, and you change into it before walking back to Siyeon.

“Y/N, you look great! Do you like my outfit?” Siyeon stands up and gives you a spin. “I’m even wearing the bracelet you gave me.”

“You look as great as always.” You confess with a blush on your face as Siyeon proudly displays the bracelet.

So it’s not shattered… that’s good to know. 

You take Siyeon’s hand in yours as you lead her out of your home.

Well, I guess it’s our home now…

“Do you remember going here last year? That was the first time you kissed me.” 

Siyeon giggles as you recall the memory in your mind.

“Of course. I don’t think I’ve ever been more nervous than at that moment.”

Siyeon raises an eyebrow at you.

“Oh really? What if I kissed you now?”

You blush slightly.

“I don’t know. I say that we should find out together.”

Siyeon leans in to give you a kiss.

“That sounds like a fantastic idea.”

Siyeon (Café AU) - Take A Sip [You’ll Find Out] (Requested!)

A/N: Hello to my lovely guys, girls, and non-binary pearls! I hope you’ve had a lovely weekend.

If you enjoy works like this, then you should check out the rest of my Masterlist!

TW: Mentions of food and drinks, angst but it’s a soft kind of angst that slowly breaks your heart.

The drive to work is as boring as usual until one of Siyeon’s song recommendations pops up on your playlist. Your heart flutters as you turn up the radio. The words automatically come out of your mouth, and you wonder if all of that practice will be worth it in the end.

Using one of Siyeon’s favorite songs to confess to her might be a bit cliche, but she’ll love it. I already know that she must feel something for me because of all of that flirting. I just want to make the confession good enough for her.

You continue to travel to work as thoughts of Siyeon fill your mind.


You throw on your apron and quickly fix your hair before heading inside of the tiny cafe that’s across from the university that Siyeon attends.

I wonder if she comes and visits this place when she’s off.

You greet your boss as they open up the cash register for the day. They wave at you before continuing to count money.

You walk around the counter and head into the back room.

“Well, look who it is…” Siyeon smirks as you set your stuff down on one of the chairs.

“I’m back and better than ever.” You smile before taking a seat next to Siyeon.

You can feel your heart race as she leans towards you.

“Are you working a full 8 hour shift today?” She asks quietly as she rests her head on your shoulders.

You play with her hair for a moment before answering, “When am I not?”

Siyeon giggles, and you can feel the vibration of her body against yours. You’re thankful that her head is tilted away from yours so she can’t see you blush.

“Good, because I am too. I don’t know why the owner hasn’t separated us yet?” Siyeon quietly confesses.

“Maybe it’s because they enjoy the show that we put on.” 

“Show?” Siyeon looks at you confused for a moment, “Oh, you mean when I flirt with you, you flirt back, and then I win because I’m much more charming than you are.”

“Hey, I can be charming too.” You huff in annoyance,

“Of course you are. If it counts for anything, I find you charming~” Siyeon pokes your cheek before lifting her head off of your shoulder.

“Hey, we haven’t started yet!” You blush at Siyeon.

She totally is more charming than I am, but I can hold my own.

“It’s never too early for me.” She laughs before heading out of the break room.

You quickly follow with a lovesick smile on your face.


“You look prettier than a flower in the midst of spring.” You gently cup Siyeon’s face with one hand after she hands a coffee to a customer.

“And you’re like a dream come true, Y/N.” She teases while copying your actions.

“That means that you wouldn’t mind me…” You trail off as your eyes look at her lips.

“Go right ahead.” Siyeon smiles as the two of you lean in.

Your face is nearly touching hers, and you can feel her breath on your lips. You’re tempted to just steal a kiss now and explain later, but you choose to stare into her eyes instead.

She raises an eyebrow at you, as if she’s daring you to make a move. You still paused while waiting for more confirmation from her that it’s okay.

You stand like that for what feels like an eternity before Siyeon breaks away from you with laughter on her lips. She pulls her hand away from your face as you try to hide your visible disappointment.

“Ah, you’re going to have to try a little harder if you want something like that from me.” Siyeon brightly beams at you, and it’s nearly enough to erase the pain in your heart.

“What do I have to do to get that kiss, then?” You seriously ask.

“Yah, I’m not telling you!”


After four hours of working, the two of you are allowed a break. You both immediately head into the break room to relax.

“Say, Y/N, can I ask you a question?” Siyeon’s eyes connect with yours as you feel your heart race.

“Sure.” You smile at her while trying to figure out what she might ask.

Could it be a confession of sorts? Maybe I won’t have to do it myself.

“Do you often think about the future?” She asks as you visibly deflate.


“Doesn’t everyone at some point?” You joke back while trying to smile.

“I mean, what do you plan on doing in life? I assume that you don’t plan on working here until you die.” Siyeon raises an eyebrow at you.

“Oh, I haven’t quite figured that out yet. I’m just trying to go one day at a time.” You thoughtfully answer.

“That’s great, Y/N.” Siyeon mumbles, and you can tell that something’s bothering her.

“Is everything alright? You can always talk to me, and you have my number-” 

Siyeon interrupts you by shaking her head.

“No, it was just a ‘what if?’ sort of question,” Siyeon softly says, “and we should get back. Our break is nearly over.”

Siyeon quietly walks out of the room, and you give her space before exiting the room after her.

I wonder what that was all about…


The rest of your shift goes normally, and the end of your shift approaches quicker than you’d like. Siyeon offers you a small wave and a quick hug before leaving as soon as possible. You choose to take your time as you over-analyze every interaction that you’ve had with Siyeon today.

The drive home is comfortable and quiet, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.


As you toss and turn in bed, Siyeon’s words echo in your head.

“Do you often think about the future?” 

Of course I do, and I imagine it with you.

“I mean, what do you plan on doing in life? I assume that you don’t plan on working here until you die.”

I’d like to at least ask you out before you leave. Is that too much to ask for?

Your mind toys with the idea of asking Siyeon out tomorrow.

I have to do it soon. I don’t know how much longer I can take her flirting.

You make a mental note to pick up flowers and a teddy bear before you go to work. Content with your decision, you slowly begin to fall asleep.


The drive to work makes you more and more anxious, even though you have nothing to worry about.

If it doesn’t go well, so what? You and Siyeon can still be friends!

You leave the flowers and stuffed bear in your car as you enter the front door of the cafe. You scan the area while trying to find Siyeon.

Where could she be?

You peek into the back room, but Siyeon isn’t there either.

That’s weird. She doesn’t ever call off unless she’s sick.

You go to find the owner of the shop who sits at the cash register.

“Hey, have you seen Siyeon today?” You nervously ask.

“Oh, she didn’t tell you? Siyeon put in her two-week notice, well, two weeks ago! She said that this job was distracting her from her studies. What a shame… she was a nice girl, too. It’ll just be me and you, Y/N, until we can find a replacement.”

She…left without telling me? Was I the distraction that she mentioned? I thought that we’d…

“Oh, okay.” You answer before rushing to the back room.

You slump against the door as you pull out your phone.

Not a single text or call. Who does that? I thought we had something…

Tears rapidly fall down your face as you set your phone down.

I was wrong, I guess. I hope Siyeon is happy with her decision, wherever she may be now.

Take Me Away (TMA): Siyeon’s Shattered Ending - The Darkness Covers Our Way

A/N: Ah, here comes some of the last angst in the whole series! I hope you enjoy reading this chapter, even if your heart doesn’t. ;)

If you like this chapter and want to read more, then you should check out the TMA Masterlist!

TW: Angst, wolves, I think this is the saddest ending so… I’m sorry to all of my Siyeon biases.

You don’t hesitate to clasp the moonstone bracelet on your wrist as you think of Siyeon.

She’s a woman who has a closet of skeletons behind her. SIyeon deserves nothing but kindness and love, and I wish that I was around to give her that. I guess that’s why I’m coming back, besides the obvious reason that I miss her.

You drift off in your comfortable bed as you try to think of anything but Siyeon.


You wake up in the middle of the forest as a sense of dreadful familiarity washes over you.

Isn’t this the place where Siyeon…

Sure enough, a wolf version of Siyeon slowly approaches you. It doesn’t look as threatening as before, but you’re scared out of your mind.

God, don’t kill me again! I can’t do that again; besides, I’m dead dead if I die. There’s no redos.

You watch the sunrise above the horizon, and you sigh in relief.

Siyeon will be okay when the sun touches her.

You wait for Siyeon to transform, but nothing happens. The wolf simply looks at you with a blank expression as you try to remain hopefully.

…Why isn’t this working? Is this not werewolves work?

The wolf looks away from you at the sun before looking back at you.

“Siyeon?” You mumble. “If you’re in there, please come out. I’m scared, and I need to see you again. Please.”

The wolf whines before hiding its face with one of its paws.

“Siyeon… I can’t live in this world without you. I need you!”

Tears nearly fall out of your eyes at your desperate plea. The wolf removes its paw before running off.

“SIYEON!” You cry out before collapsing into a pile of your own misery.

I just wanted to help… how could that go so wrong for both of us?
