

So I read Girl Online a couple years ago and thought it was a super cute and quick read! I love the whole ‘fairytale’ plot with the added modern feel with texting and social media and things of the sort. 

I really enjoyed the fact that Penny had a real issue that so many people struggle with on a day to day basis and that it wasn’t shoved to the side. Her anxiety was almost made into a whole character in itself which I thought was brilliant!


So many people feel the same things she felt and I was very pleased to see a dialogue about it in this book that added to it in a very positive way! I think the ending was a bit rushed but was glad that there was a Book 2 to continue the story a bit!


Girl Online: On Tour was probably my favorite of the three books, but still felt that the lack of communication between the characters was annoying. Maybe I just kept forgetting how young they were supposed to be, but it left me rolling my eyes at some situations hahah 


But I really liked reading about life on the tour and my favorite part/character development would probably have to be Leah! She’s an absolute gem! All we heard about her in the first book was negative things and she completely changes the way we see her. I love that you immediately want to judge her as some spoiled, bitchy popstar, and immediately get proved wrong! 


The scene where Leah and Penny go shopping together and Leah helps her get ready for the party is my favorite because it just showed the kind of person Leah is and it’s great! 


Again, I think the ending could have not dropped so suddenly, and I HATED how it ended because what’s the point of sharing this epic love story between these two people if they weren’t even going to…. well… you’ll just have to read the book ;) 


Girl Online: Going Solo was definitely my least favorite book. 


I felt it was just all over the place and a little repetitive. What with going to London to meet a new character, feuding with the same old friend, and traveling to another place where a cute boy lives… it was like the bad version of Book 1. I absolutely HATED all the unnecessary drama in this book. 


I didn’t like how much we were made to dislike the new boy - not because he wasn’t Noah - but because he was made to sound like a douche. 


I don’t know but I didn’t enjoy it. And the Halloween party???? What was even the point of that scene!? hahah Anyways, I approved of the ending of this book much more than Book 2. So as a sucker for happy endings, I was pleased with the end of this series.


I think this series may have been a little ‘too young’ for me…


But it was a cute and quick read that let me escape to another world for a minute and that’s why I love reading!! :)

What are you currently reading?• I actually wanted to wait until the wax had fully melted to take

What are you currently reading?

I actually wanted to wait until the wax had fully melted to take this picture but it would’ve taken ages and I’m just a very impatient person ‍♀️

But I’m currently reading an arc of “Fraternize” by @rachvd and afterwards I’ll start reading “Girl Online Going Solo” by @zoella because I finally want to finish the series

The magnetic bookmarks are from @fromnewleaf and they’re just so adorable! ❤

#girlonline #girlonlineontour #girlonlinegoingsolo #zoella #zoesugg #fromnewleaf #currentlyreading

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