#give them something to talk about twin au fortunegunned



It hadn’t been even ten minutes and she was already complaining. In truth, he couldn’t blame her, given the silence between them. He found it both comforting and a little bit awkward, as if there was a rift. How was he supposed to face her now or even later in their career?


“In part, yes. If you’d rather study together instead of going to bed, I would be happy to oblige. I am not fatigued… yet. But you are, so I won’t force you into this longer than I already have.” His initial plan might have been a failure after all.

Silence can be comfortable. This one isn’t. Maybe it’s because she’s thinking of the future, of which is currently obscured by fog, too dense to peer through. Maybe it’s because she didn’t want to wake up at 3 AM to study for something she already knows. The reasons aren’t particularly important now, though.

“I’ll have to call it a night. I’m still exhausted.” She gathers up her materials, tucks in the chair at the desk, but before she goes, Naoto lingers in the doorframe, one hand against it. Failure to understand her own brother. What would their parents think?

“If you wanted to spend time with me at this hour, there’s a detective show that usually plays at this time.” All of the more fascinating, but still inaccurate detective shows air at this time. It’s hardly appropriate for children, after all. “Good night, Seiji.”

The door closes behind her.
