

When the Abyssal Hunters had to fight for their lives and escape from the melancholy and sacrifice, they swam upwards, and when they finally reached the surface, they could only solemnly gaze upon the star-filled night sky… The Hunters have all etched the destinies of these short-lived stars into their hearts.

Despite everything, the darkness can still be broken


i forgot this


cute shark



The bell was Oripathy.

So, my working theory right now is that Gladiia is actually as sharp and fast as she is because she got assigned Laurentina as a cadet forever ago, and even when she was a wee inexperienced shark, she was really good at sneaking up on people, and this didn’t really work out too well because Shark would not only sneak up on her, she’d sneak up on her in the most inopportune of moments, such as in:

     1) Confidential, top secret meetings with the other members of the Aegir inner sanctum -> Gladiia would be presenting top secret plans to the others and ask them to chime in, and she’d hear a voice behind her go “The line of defense is a bit too thin here, Swordfish”, “That’s intentional, this unit is comprised of seasoned Hunters that, upon hearing the signal, will rendevouz wiWhat are you doing here, this is a top secret meeting, I have to court marshal you again.

     2) Midst the perusal of confidential, personal documentation -> Gladiia, after finally making sure she wasn’t being tailed, opens up the folder containing the super secret documents she was told to acquire (Carebears Issue #4, original print). Upon checking the contents of the documents, she hears a familiar voice behind her: “Swordfish, isn’t it messed up that there’s a Carebear named Best Friend Bear? Imagine you’re Friend Bear and one day, this piece of work name of Best Friend Bear rolls in, I think they should let you get away with murder at least on that one, I think the penal system is flawed if it doesn’t let Friend Bear commit at least one atrocity for that one,” and Gladiia is like “It’s the unfortunate but ultimately truthful nature of the world that some will be born superior to othListen here, Shark, you really, really cannot keep doing this to me, how do you keep pulling this off, you’re sleeping in the brig under the brig tonight.

     3) In the middle of secret operations in which she was not assigned to participate -> Gladiia will be scoping out the target from afar, sizing it up, examining its weaknesses and assessing the best way to attack. “Squad, attention. This Seaborn is known for its extremely potent defense, as even getting close to it will prompt it to shoot an array of defensive spines towards the perceived target, and it has evolved to have superb detection capabilities, so our best bet is wave tactics paired with speed,” and some other Hunter will speak up, “Captain Gladiia, it seems the plan is a success!”, and Gladiia is like “What? I haven’t given the order to engage yet,” and the other hunter points and says “Didn’t take you one for jokes, Captain. Look over there, by it’s 67th tentacle, to the right!”, and Gladiia will not pick up binoculars to look over there because she has super eyes, and over yonder, where the other Hunter pointed, Gladiia sees


HER waving back at her excitedly from afar, right next to the Seaborn.

So through a lot of stress induced gastritis, NyQuil, and god-given migraines, Gladiia became extremely sharp and faster than the speed of sound for the sole purpose of being able to stop Laurentina in her tracks before she pulls off another one of her Funny Shark Moments on her in front of the other Hunters.

When Gladiia saw the state in which Specter was when she was, well, Specter, in Rhodes Island, she put one hand on Kal’tsit’s shoulder and let out, almost as if from the bottom of her very moist heart, “You have no idea how easy you have it,” while Kal’tsit’s mouth becomes a perfect “?”.


Have a bunch of messy headcanons that I wrote a few months ago inspired by this art right here that I never posted for some reason and completely forgot about them until today.

Abyssal Hunters Mafia (mini) AU time? Abyssal Hunters Mafia (mini) AU time!

There’s a lot of text under the cut. You’ve been warned. I went nuts.

Keep reading


Here have this Gladiia I will never finish because my attention spawn went to shit
