

Context: Main Game Storyline / Campsite

Click here for Part 1

(Noctis walks out the lake soaking wet. He pushes some of his hair away from his face)

NOCTIS:(walks over to the guys)“Happy?”



NOCTIS: “Yeah, yeah… Prompto?”


NOCTIS: “Please put some clothes on.”

PROMPTO: “You got it.”

IGNIS: “Well, now it’s your turn to choose. I suppose this leaves me and Gladio.”

NOCTIS: “Yep, and I choose Gladdy.”

GLADIO: “What? Ignis hasn’t gone at all yet.”

NOCTIS: “Doesn’t matter. You always tell me what to do so now I get to return the favor.”

GLADIO: “Tsk. Fine.”

IGNIS: “Good show.”

PROMPTO: “I’m back. Who’s going next?” (buckling up his pants)


PROMPTO: “Nice! His choice?”

NOCTIS: “What’s it gonna be?”





GLADIO: “So? Do your worst.”

NOCTIS: “Let’s see… What’s the one thing I want for you to do? I have to make the most of this.”



NOCTIS: “Gladio, I dare you to swim across the lake with Specs on your shoulders. You gotta meow like a cat the whole way too.”


IGNIS: “Just a moment. Why did you include me?”

NOCTIS: “Everybody knows you’re gonna choose truth… there’s no way one of us is staying dry tonight. It wouldn’t be fair…”

GLADIO:(looks at Ignis) “You ready?”

IGNIS: “I am not dressed for such an occasion–”

PROMPTO: “At least you’re dressed!”

NOCTIS: “Prom’s got a point…” (grins mischievously)

IGNIS: “I shouldn’t have to play a turn after this.”

GLADIO: “Quit your whining and let’s get this over with.”

IGNIS:(sighs) “…very well then.” (Ignis follows Gladiolus out to the lake with Gladio kneeling down) “This is ridiculous. I am not a child.”

GLADIO: “Shut up, you’re not the one who’s meowing. Besides, I can handle you. Not like you’re heavy.”

NOCTIS: “We’re waiting…”

PROMPTO: “Yeah, it’s the— Eye of the Tiger; it’s the thrill of the fight—!”

(Gladio balances Ignis on his shoulders and slowly walks into the lake)

GLADIO:Erk.. this is cold…”

IGNIS: “Balance me well. My upper torso is to remain dry.”

GLADIO: “Shut it.”

NOCTIS: “How does the kitty cat go, Gladio?”


NOCTIS: “C'mon! Let’s hear it!”

IGNIS: “How did we get in this mess?”


IGNIS: “…of course.”

GLADIO: “…meow. … m—” (spits out some water)“…meow.”

PROMPTO:(puts his hand to his ear) “I can’t hear you!”

NOCTIS: “The kitties went—? C'mon! Louder!”



IGNIS:“This is embarrassing…”

GLADIO:“MEOW’uh—”(spits out more water)


GLADIO: “Kinda busy– right now– MEOW—”

IGNIS: “Due to this sudden change in temperature– I need to use the restroom—”

(The boys see Gladio dump Ignis into the lake. They laugh hysterically)

NOCTIS: “Best— Best game ever..!”

PROMPTO: “It’s not even over yet!” (continues to laugh)

(shortly after, Ignis and Gladio walk out the lake)

PROMPTO: “What was that?? You just dumped poor Ignis into the water!”

IGNIS: “I don’t want to talk about it…” (looking at his wet lenses)

GLADIO: “It’s done.”

NOCTIS: “Done like a true soldier… not one complaint. Good job.”

GLADIO: “Yeah, maybe you could learn something from that.”


GLADIO: “Last but not least, let’s end this game and have you choose, Iggy.”

IGNIS: “I’m already soaked…” (looks at Noctis slightly irritated) “So naturally… I will be the first to choose truth.”

NOCTIS: “Gee, didn’t see that coming.”


GLADIO: “So basically, I get to ask you anything and you have to tell the truth, right?”

IGNIS: “I assume so, yes.”


GLADIO: “Alright… anything I want to know… hm…”

PROMPTO: “I wonder what I’d ask..? He’s Mr. Perfect.”



GLADIO: “If you didn’t swear your life to Prince Noctis here, what would you be doing?”

PROMPTO: “Aww, that’s… not a daring question…”


IGNIS: “Besides this? I suppose I would live a "boring” life. Maybe I would work in a restaurant or bakery… or perhaps I would give lessons in etiquette. Yet, I can honestly say I would rather do nothing more than this… with you all.“

PROMPTO: ”…“ ”…Aww.“


GLADIO: "This was fun.”

PROMPTO: “See? Told ya…”

NOCTIS:(yawns and stretches) “Dunno ‘bout you guys, but. I’m ready for bed… and to change out of these clothes…”

PROMPTO: “Yup, bedtime. Good night, everyone.”

IGNIS: “Good night.” (watches as they walk away)

GLADIO:(smacks Ignis on his back) “Was fun, huh?”

IGNIS: “Up until the end… It was.”

GLADIO: “I’ll help clean up.”

IGNIS: “Thank you.” (smiles)



Other Stories:






Context: Main Game Storyline / Campsite

NOCTIS: “I don’t know how you do it out here in the middle of nowhere but this is delicious.”

PROMPTO: “For real, man. This takes talent.”

GLADIO: “I actually agree with Noct’ for once.”


IGNIS: “No talent needed. Just a will to learn is all.”


(they eat for a bit in silence)

PROMPTO: “Say, why don’t we spice things up a bit with a game?”

GLADIO: “Here we go…”

NOCTIS: “What kind of game?”

PROMPTO: “Truth or Dare!”

GLADIO: “That game is stupid.”

PROMPTO: “It is not. It can be fun. Especially with four people.”

IGNIS: “It is quite a childish game.”

PROMPTO: “But one everyone knows about. So it’s gotta be good for something.”

IGNIS: “For children.”

PROMPTO: “C'mon… at least one round.”

GLADIO: “What do you think your highness?”

NOCTIS: “I don’t care. Sure.”

PROMPTO: “Yes! Two for two.”

IGNIS: “One round won’t hurt, I suppose.”

GLADIO: “Fine. Who goes first?”

PROMPTO: “Rock, Paper, Scissors!”

(they play R.P.S.)




NOCTIS: “U-um. I meant to play rock..?”

PROMPTO: “Two fingers out is scissors.”

NOCTIS: “Oh well…”

PROMPTO: “You win, Gladio.”

IGNIS: “I have heard that paper beats rock in the past… Depending on the size of the stone, one can wrap a rock with paper.”

GLADIO: “A paper weight is a rock though usually. So it keeps the paper from moving.”

IGNIS: “That is true…”

NOCTIS: “Gladio, you win. Let’s play already…”

GLADIO: “So this means I get to choose who goes first, right?”

PROMPTO: “That’s right.”

GLADIO: “Since you came up with this idea, I choose you, Prompto.”

PROMPTO: “You got it! And I choose dare. Naturally…” (grins slyly at Noctis and Ignis)

NOCTIS: “Why am I not surprised…”

IGNIS: “This should prove interesting.”

PROMPTO:(grins at Gladio now) “What’s the dare?”

GLADIO:Hm… Let me think a minute.” (looks around)



GLADIO: “I dare you… to…”

NOCTIS: “Tsk, come ooon…”

IGNIS: “We’ll be here all night.”

GLADIO: “Okay, okay. I dare you to strip naked, jump in that lake and howl at the moon while flapping your arms like a startled chocobo.”



IGNIS: “…Gladio. That dare is not appropriate.”

GLADIO: “Dare’s aren’t supposed to be!”

PROMPTO: “During the day, no problem! But at night… what if a daemon comes..? Or some… evil fish?”

GLADIO: “Chickening out?”


NOCTIS: “We’ll protect you, Prompto. Don’t worry.”

IGNIS: (sigh) “…”

PROMPTO: “… Okay, fine. I’ll never turn down a dare. Just– don’t stare at me. I get to keep my gloves on too.”

IGNIS: “Not to worry, I won’t.” (pushes up glasses)

GLADIO: “I’m waiting for the chocobo dance. You’re the one who wanted to play this game…”

PROMPTO: “I’m not complaining!” (strips of his vest, shirt, and pants. He doesn’t face them as he does so)

IGNIS: “Don’t be long out there.”

PROMPTO: “I won’t. One howl’s all you get.”

GLADIO: “That’s all I need.”

NOCTIS: “Wow. I am out of this conversation.”

GLADIO: “You have scarring on your ass.”

PROMPTO: “They’re stretch marks. I said no staring!”

GLADIO: “I’m not. You’re just pasty so it’s kind of noticeable.”

PROMPTO: “Well I don’t walk in the sun naked!”

NOCTIS: “We’ll call you Sunshine Boy after this.’

GLADIO: “Perfect nickname…”

IGNIS: “Get on with it.”

PROMPTO: “I’m goin’, I’m goin’…” (hurries over to the lake) “I really hope there’s no evil fish in here—” (walks into the lake)Ah– damn! It’s c-cold!”

GLADIO: “Don’t forget your mission.”

PROMPTO: “Shut up! I got– I g-got this…” (looks up at the moon) “Arrrrrrrooooooooooo…..roo…”   



PROMPTO:(flapping arms) “Is this e-enough??”


NOCTIS: “Aw dammit! I should’ve taken a photo with his camera–”

GLADIO: “Wait–! Prompto– it’s gotta be another minute!”

PROMPTO: “That wasn’t the deal! I’m o-outta here–”

NOCTIS: “Aw man… missed opportunity.”


PROMPTO:(hurries back and Noctis throws a towel over his shoulders) “Now I’m freezing… Thank the Crystal for this fire…”

NOCTIS: “Yeah… You did good, Prompto.”

PROMPTO: “Well now it’s my turn… I choose you, bud’.”

IGNIS: “I am enjoying this game more than I thought I would.”

GLADIO: “That’s the spirit, Iggy.”

IGNIS: “You didn’t want to play at first.”

GLADIO: “Neither did you.”

IGNIS: “I realize now it’s dinner and a show.”


NOCTIS: “Okay, um… Dare.”

PROMPTO: “Oooh, Noct’. I’m proud of you.”

NOCTIS: “Yeah, yeah. I’m not stripping naked though so don’t even bother.”

PROMPTO: “I wouldn’t ask royalty to do that… Don’t worry.”

NOCTIS:“Good…”(folds arms)

PROMPTO:Heh… I dare you to warp above the lake and cannonball into it. Then when you come up, raise both fists in the air and yell, ‘FREE WILLY!’ ”



NOCTIS: “…that’s dumb.”

PROMPTO: “It’s funny!”

GLADIO: “You gotta do it your highness. It’s no where near as bad as Prompto’s dare.”

NOCTIS: “Alright… I hate being cold though.”

PROMPTO: “You’ll warm up quick. We can share the towel if you want.”

NOCTIS: “If you put some clothes on…”

PROMPTO: “I don’t wanna miss this. After, I will!”

NOCTIS: “… Alright. Well.” (makes his Engine Blade appear) “Can’t believe I’m doing this… h’UPT—!” (warps above the lake making his sword vanish and hugs his knees as he falls into the lake)


GLADIO: “I wish he followed my directions in training as good as that.”

IGNIS: “Now for the finale.”

(they see Noctis come up from under the lake gasping for air)

NOCTIS:“Ah…”(raises his fists and goes under slightly, coming back up and spitting out some water) “F-free Willy…”

PROMPTO: “You gotta scream it like you mean it! I could barely hear you…”

NOCTIS: “F-Free Willy..!”

IGNIS: “What is the meaning of this phrase?”

GLADIO: “No idea…”



Other Stories:





Context: High School BROTHERHOOD Days

Click here for Part 1

GLADIO: “Hey Noct’.” (walks into his room)

NOCTIS:“Hey.”(playing a handheld console)

GLADIO: “I wanted to let you know that I have something I need to go to for a day or so.”

NOCTIS: “ …? ” (pauses his game) “What is it?”

GLADIO: “Some sort of training my dad wants me to go to.”

NOCTIS: “Oh, okay. Have fun.”

GLADIO: “Yeah. So don’t do anything stupid while I’m gone.”  

NOCTIS: “Uh huh.” (unpauses his game)


NOCTIS: “ … ” (pauses) “Is there something else?”

GLADIO: “No. It’ll be on Saturday, so I guess you can hang out here for the day.”

NOCTIS: “Lucky me.” (unpauses)

GLADIO: “Yeah. Just giving you a head’s up.”



PROMPTO: “So you want me to be the bad influence…”

GLADIO: “That shouldn’t be too hard, right?”

PROMPTO: “Well, you’re asking me to make Noct’ go against his father’s wishes… that’s… kind of scary. If I were found out–”

GLADIO: “I agree under normal circumstances, but this isn’t real. No one’s disobeying anyone.”

PROMPTO: “You just want Noct’ to have a rebel teen experience, is that it?”

GLADIO: “I do want to give him a breather. I just don’t know how else I can.”

PROMPTO: “Well it’s not like you stand in the bathroom with him, right?” (laughs)


PROMPTO: “Oh my God…”

GLADIO:Idon’t! I just didn’t think that was funny.“

PROMPTO: "Oh. Okay.”

GLADIO: “So Saturday. Don’t forget.”

PROMPTO: “Alright… I’ll try.”



PROMPTO: “He’s really out for the day?”

NOCTIS: “Yep. That’s what he said.”



PROMPTO: “Weren’t we like… just talking about this?”

NOCTIS: “About what?”

PROMPTO: “Remember last week when you said you wanted a break from the guy? The universe must’ve heard you, ha!”

NOCTIS: “Oh yeah… That is kinda funny now that you mention it.”



PROMPTO: “So… why don’t we hit the town and celebrate?”


PROMPTO: “Your one day shield free.”

NOCTIS: “Ha, yeah right…”

PROMPTO: “I’m serious. Do you know when he’s coming back?”

NOCTIS: “He said it could be tomorrow, but I’m not sure.”

PROMPTO: “Then just come back tonight. Don’t gotta stay too late. Just get out there while you can. It’s what you wanna do, right?”

NOCTIS: “Yeah but, I don’t wanna risk getting in trouble.”

PROMPTO: “C'mon Noct’. We’re teenagers. Getting in trouble’s what we do.”


PROMPTO: “Do you really want to grow old and say you always followed the rules, even when you were young? How boring is that?”


PROMPTO: “I’ll be with you. We’ll have fun. We can hit the arcade, go look at some comics, go to Central Park and eat some street food… Maybe even talk to some cute girls by that new ice-cream shop…”

NOCTIS: “I don’t know…”

PROMPTO: “We’ll be fine. We’re not planning a robbery… Let’s do it.”

NOCTIS: “…” “Alright.”




PROMPTO: “What should I get with all my tickets?”

NOCTIS: “The slinky?”

PROMPTO: “The slinky? What about the stuffed chocobo?”

NOCTIS: “If that’s what you’re into…”

PROMPTO: “Well I don’t own a slinky…”

NOCTIS: “Get the fake handcuffs.”

PROMPTO:(laughs) “What would I use those for?”

NOCTIS: “For helping me sneak out. You deserve ‘em as a souvenir.”

PROMPTO: “Oh. Well then.”  

NOCTIS: “C'moooon. Just choose something.”

PROMPTO: “Chocobo it is!”

NOCTIS:“Jeez…”(Prompto gets the stuffed chocobo)

PROMPTO: “It’s so soft.” (hugs it)

NOCTIS: “Such a kid…”

PROMPTO: “Forever. Hey, Noct’. You should get the fake crown with your tickets!”

NOCTIS: “No thanks…”

PROMPTO: “Aw, why not?”

NOCTIS: “I’m in no rush to be King. I’ll just get the Cold Wheelscar.”

PROMPTO: “Aw man, I missed that one…”

NOCTIS: “Okay, let’s go.”

PROMPTO: “Yes sir~ where to?”

(They walk out the arcade and begin down the sidewalk)

NOCTIS: “I dunno. Honestly, I think I should start heading back… It’s already dark and it’s a bit of a walk.”

PROMPTO: “Had enough freedom for today?”

NOCTIS: “I guess. I had fun though. Thanks, Prompto.”

PROMPTO: “What’re friends for? You gonna be alright walking back by yourself?

NOCTIS: "Oh no. I think I need my knight and shining armor forever by my side…”

PROMPTO: “All you gotta do is ask. But nah, I’m kidding. Enjoy your walk through the city. Alone.” (they smile at each other)

NOCTIS: “Will do, thanks. See you Monday.”

PROMPTO: “Bright and early! Night!”

NOCTIS:“Later…”(walks down the sidewalk and exhales as he looks up at the full moon overhead)“…beautiful.”

(He continues down the sidewalk and soon comes across a subway entrance)

NOCTIS:“…”(he looks down the stairs as a businessman with a suitcase walks up them) “It’s been so long. This’ll cut my walk in half but I’ve never taken it at night.” (shrugs) “Might as well. My leg’s starting to bother me…”

(walks down the stairs and carefully hops over the metro card scanner gate)

NOCTIS: “Which line again?” (scratches head as he looks up at the signs) “Oh, right.“ (waits as a train slowly comes to a stop. He enters as a few people exit) "Piece of cake…” (finds a seat and sits down)

NOCTIS: “Ahh… better.” (The train begins moving and he turns in his seat to look out the window. As he does so, a man slowly comes into focus in the reflection of the glass)

NOCTIS:“…”(turns back around and sees the man looking at him)“…”

NOCTIS:“….”(looks slightly uncomfortable but stares down at his knees)

MAN: “You look familiar.”

NOCTIS:(looks up at him)

MAN: “Are you from the palace?”


MAN: “Can you speak?”

NOCTIS: “Can I help you?”

MAN: “Are you from the palace?”

NOCTIS:“…”“Maybe I should get off at the next stop.”

MAN: “You must be. You’re dressed too nice and must think you’re too good to talk to lower class citizens…”

NOCTIS:“Iasked if I could help you…”

MAN: “If you’re from the palace, surely you can spare some gil on a man down on his luck.  You see, I just got fired from my job today.”  


MAN: “Are you from the palace?”

(The train slowly creaks to a stop and Noctis stands up to get off)

NOCTIS: “I’m sorry to hear you’re hitting hard times.” (reaches in his back pant pocket retrieving his wallet. As he takes out some gil the man snatches it and runs off the train)…!! “Uh– h-HEY!”

(Noctis gets off the train and begins chasing him through the subway hall)

NOCTIS: “I can’t believe this!!” (sees the man running up the steps)“Damn!”(as he pursues up the steps his leg cramps)…!(he begins to limp)“Damn it!”(he gets pushed aside against the stair railing by yet another man)!?“Another one–”

(He limps up the stairs quickly and looks both ways, seeing no men in sight)

NOCTIS:(panting)“What am I going to do? My school ID, Prompto’s photos– my card!”


NOCTIS:“…”“How am I going to explain this to my father…?”(looks a bit anxious now) “All I wanted was one night. One night– it was going so well…” (looks defeated and continues down the sidewalk)

(When he arrives home, he’s surprised to see no one looking for him)

NOCTIS:(frowns and hurries to his room. When he arrives, he sees his wallet on his bed)(stares at it)


(He walks over to it and opens it, seeing that nothing is missing)

NOCTIS:“I don’t… understand?” (looks around his room and sits on his bed) “…”


GLADIO:(walks into Noctis’ room) “I’m back.”  

NOCTIS: “Oh. Hey Gladio.”

GLADIO: “Have a good day yesterday?”

NOCTIS: “I did…”

GLADIO: “What you do? Hang around here?”

NOCTIS: “I hung out with Prompto… he kept me entertained.”

GLADIO: “I see.” (Leans against the wall)

NOCTIS: “How was training?”

GLADIO: “Good. Full of cardio…”

NOCTIS: “My favorite…”

GLADIO: “I know.” (grins at him)


tickleraptorss:THIS TOOK ME THREE HOURSSSSS WHY DID IT TAKE SO LONGanyways. was in a promptio mood &tickleraptorss:THIS TOOK ME THREE HOURSSSSS WHY DID IT TAKE SO LONGanyways. was in a promptio mood &tickleraptorss:THIS TOOK ME THREE HOURSSSSS WHY DID IT TAKE SO LONGanyways. was in a promptio mood &tickleraptorss:THIS TOOK ME THREE HOURSSSSS WHY DID IT TAKE SO LONGanyways. was in a promptio mood &tickleraptorss:THIS TOOK ME THREE HOURSSSSS WHY DID IT TAKE SO LONGanyways. was in a promptio mood &



anyways. was in a promptio mood <3

*SLAMS REBLOG* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA MY FAAAAVES omg this is so cuuute I love theeeeem!  

Post link

Bedtime Story

After a long day, it’s nice to spend a rainy evening cuddled up in the tent with nothing but a good book and the one you love.

Those are the best nights.

I have 4 days off, time to continue bombarding old arts into here. (tho not entirely spend time at lI have 4 days off, time to continue bombarding old arts into here. (tho not entirely spend time at l

I have 4 days off, time to continue bombarding old arts into here. (tho not entirely spend time at laptop 24/7.)

Chibi heads of Chocobros & fullbody of Prompto! 

The chibi ones were actually planned for selling at acg convention, but yeah, covid coming by. I miss tabling at convention… I even miss the stress of con-prep, rushing with public transport while pulling two heavy luggage xD Online convention is different. It is as stressful as actual one, but towards bad way in my case/circumstances. 

Fullbody Prompto there were from XVtober on Day 1: Gun. I use that XVtober as compensation to draw fullbody of chocobros from my to-do list. (I didn’t do other 3 bros I lost the drill till now.  Hope it comes back).

Post link

I think the title may be referring to Tales of Zestiria, but I’m not familiar with the series. The words all seemed to link to it, though, so I did my best.

Posted with permission.



In Japanese, 大好き (daisuki) is used to say someone likes something very much (or, is often translated to ‘love’). “大” is the kanji for “big” or “large”. In the Japanese here, Noctis replaces it with “小” (the kanji for small) and “中” (the kanji for medium), which wouldn’t usually be used that way, to rank his liking for each one as “large”, “medium” and “small”.

Poor Prompto. I’d give him more love than that.

Posted with permission.



I was having trouble finding information on “Onahashi”. If anyone happens to know more about this word, please let me know. I’m not familiar with it.

Posted with permission.



When I started doing this, I was posting to a rather obscure social media site in a thread between myself and some friends, making it fairly private without much concern about it spreading very far outside of us.

That site wasn’t good for posting a lot of images, which led me to post to my (then pretty much) empty Tumblr where it was easier. They got noticed pretty fast on Tumblr, so I’m taking a little time to fix things up now. I’ve only been at this for a few weeks, so it was a rather abrupt shift. Bear with me for a bit. You may notice some changes.

Posted with permission.


Art:“I’ll Definitely Return”

The song Prompto is singing is a parody of the Space Battleship Yamato theme song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGvIspfzLU4

Played around with the wording to try and make it work in English. This artist posts so much stuff.

Posted with permission.




This is a pretty Japanese reference. You can see an image of the character Ignis is referring to here: http://tetsusism.com/saigendaisuke-asuwataiki-chanpon-recipe-godtan-ringerhut-tokuson-8842
Played by “Ushiro City” I believe, but I don’t keep up with a lot of Japanese media.

Gladio is making fun of the fact that he and Ignis are very alike as characters.

Posted with permission.


