

thank you to the patrons! my wife, fleurdelis, lukeperiodsun, hadbabits, kellie, dom, alice, and @the-halo-of-my-memory!

(if your name should be on here and isn’t, please double-check your patreon account, there was one payment that declined this month.)


  • kirby got a gun for his [birthday]!
  • last month’s patreon drawing went up for [my wife]!
  • next month’s wallpaper [preview] is up!

also heads up that we are in the process of moving out of state, which is stressful and time-consuming! I will be okay and should still have enough in me for a quick doodle every day, but jsyk <3 (that’s also why I put this roundup off for an extra week)

on [nightlight]:

@custedoge said: aww this sweet smol child looks like they just woke up. so precious

they absolutely did just wake up lol

@theadventuregay said: what does he see. what does he know

he sees the kitchen. he knows he is hungry.

on [haircut]:

@northeasternwind said: He just wants to fit in Brent. I love your blog I have to reblogs everything

hehe thank you! he sees people getting haircuts all the time. it must be important.

on [owo]:

@ceylonsilvergirl[added] whiskers and ears and said: kirby is more of a cosplayer than Ian McKellen. he’s so good at selling someone else’s look. But how would one actually cosplay AS kirby?

I think there are a lot of different ways you could go with that. cuz some people have like, human!kirby designs, or there’s those big inflatable mascot costumes. if I was gonna do it I’d probably combine it with my interest in lolita fashion and go with something pink and star-themed. maybe something like angelic pretty’s cosmic jsk from 2014?

on [moving]:

@ceylonsilvergirl said: I hope it’s all for good reasons

it is, my wife is in her last couple weeks of medical school and we’re moving so she can go to her medical residency (which is like even more school but you get paid, so more like an apprenticeship lol). although it’s a “prelim year” because she wants to reapply to her specialty of choice, so we’ll probably be moving again next summer.

on [radio]:

@glass-clowns said: whats he vibing to?

I was thinking of the title card scene for forgotten land, but I think kirby would like all kinds of music!

on [sad]:

@ceylonsilvergirl said: been one of these days for you too huh Kirby? feeling sad or angry isn’t a bad thing. feelings are not bad. what can we learn from these feelings? don’t know right now, but I’m going to follow your example, pillow and everything

even if the lesson is just “well that was terrible but you survived”. being gentle in the meantime is often for the best.

on [vacuum]:


personally I would rather not store them like that long term, because I worry about them and I like being able to access all of them quickly XD that’s why I had a whole extra bed just for them! I’ve sealed them down for moving. I think if you don’t have that luxury of space though it could be really practical!

on [wibble]:

@the-halo-of-my-memory said: my poor son has no nuggets!!! thats a crime my poor boy!!!

please he is just a poor boy! please he needs nuggest!

@enby-raccoon said: this made me laugh so hard and idk why

there’s something cathartic about it I think.

on [disassembly]:

@northeasternwind said: congratulations! you did it! you lived! happy for u op

I didn’t drop anything onto myself or the walls either! thank you lol

on [profile]:

@tourmaliney said: this one seems emotional

it kinda looks like an album cover, I wonder if that’s what’s giving you the emotional vibe.

on [soggy]:

@artsy-dreamer said: oh noooo D’: *wraps kirby in a warm blanket and gives hot cocoa*

now he is cozy and safe!

on [pop]:

@the-halo-of-my-memory said: thank god you didnt put teeth in *pop pop pop pop pop pop*

lol I wouldn’t’ve made a popkirb with teeth, that would be too much even for me.

on [glow]:

@what-tis-this-nonsense said: kirby right before he kills god

artist’s recreation of the penultimate cutscene when the boss reveals their true form and kirby is just sitting there vibing
