#glenn rhee drabble



Request - I’m in college too at the moment so don’t worry about it! I understand the struggle and there’s absolutely no rush! I was wondering if I could request a platonic Glenn Rhee x older teen!reader? (Like 17-18) Preferably female but gender neutral is okay too! While on a run, reader sneaks up on him, knocks him out, and steals his stuff because she’s trying to survive on her own and doesn’t really have much. She ends up feeling bad and brings him to a secure place and waits for him to wake up before apologizing and giving his things back. Maybe he brings reader back to the group and they form a sibling like bond? Super protective Glenn? Again take your time and thank you so much!

Angst?/Fluff -

Warnings - Theft, Injury, Blood,

Pairing - Glenn Rhee X Teen!Fem!Reader



You knew you’d eventually have to move on from the little home you’d set yourself up in. In the backroom of a drug store, you’d set up a home base and rarely left that room. It’d been a long while since you’d been around people or seen someone that wasn’t looking to kill or rob you. The supplies that you had in the store were finally starting to run low and you could only go so long on just granola bars and what few water bottles actually had water in them.

With just a knife at your side, you stepped out of the room and into the main part of the store. Carefully, you step over the cans you’d strung up to signal if something (or someone) wandered into the store. Exiting the store, you pause for a moment, taking in the feeling of the sun on you before you walk to the next little store over. You open the door, freezing when the bell above your head chimes.

After a long moment, no walker shows itself so you continue going in, propping the door to stay open with a piece of broken shelf. You slowly walk through the small store, weaving through the tiny isles in the hopes of finding unspoiled food. You’re almost tempted to leave when you nearly run into a huge spider web but you press on, praying that one doesn’t get the jump on you.

A small shelf of to-go foods was still kinda standing with most of the food gone and others ripped open on the floor no doubt by wildlife. “Score.” You smile, snatching a pack of jerky and instantly eating some of it before your attention is brought to the sound of a car pulling up outside. You duck down out of view of the front window. The car rolls to a stop outside and you can hear it turn off before one of the doors opens. You trade the jerky for your knife and slowly begin to make your way to the front to see out the window.

It’s a nice car parked out front of the stores. A figure walks away from the car and into the store you’d been staying in. Quickly, you leave the store and approach the back of the car, out of sight from the windows in case the person looks out. You can faintly hear the sound of the cans clinking as they kick one of the lines in the building.

For a moment you hesitate in opening the trunk of the car, contemplating if you had it in you to steal from whoever it was. Then you thought back to your situation and slowly popped open the trunk of the large car, shuffling through the boxes in the back. Whoever it was had a good bit of guns and supplies in the back.

“Hello?” You jump, ducking down as the person leaves the store. He’d seen your stuff in the back and now was on high alert for anyone in the area. Quietly, you move along the side of the car while he walks along the other side. “Shit.” He reaches the open trunk, looking around before checking the contents of the trunk.

Slowly, you make your way around the car and somehow you’re behind the guy while his back’s turned. With all the strength you can measure you hit him on the head with the blunt end of your knife and he drops like a rock. Smiling triumphantly, you look down and nudge his body so he’s on his back with your foot. He’s out cold, groaning before falling silent. He’s wearing a bulletproof vest and there’s a rifle at his side which thankfully didn’t go off. You put your knife back at your side and pat down the man, finding a pistol on his person. You take the gun and then you really go through the back and take some food and water in a bag that you found in the trunk.

With the backpack on you go to walk away and clear out the rest of your stuff. “Don’t turn around.” You mumble as you walk away from the man’s unconscious body. “Don’t turn around.” You repeat, coming to a halt when you hear the groan of a walker. “Fuck me.” You turn on your heel, catching sight of a walker breaking the treeline, still oblivious to the man and you. Before you can pass the man to deal with the walker another appears and another and you’re suddenly dragging the man’s body into your store with all of your strength and sheer determination.

You close the door, pushing a shelf in front of it before bringing him to the back room. You close the door to the back room and lock it, huffing as you try to catch your breath. While he wasn’t super heavy the fear of walkers rolling up on you two was enough to make you work double time.

It took some time for the man on the floor to wake up. When he came to he couldn’t tell if he was more surprised that was inside and not tied up or that he was inside with another person so casually. Groaning, he sits up, eyes now on you as you sit, reading some super old magazine to keep busy. “Uh…hi?”

You look up, guilt on your face. “Sorry for the whole, dropping you on your ass.” You shrug, nodding towards the backpack. “Your stuff’s in there, you can take it and head out whenever. Just be careful, there were some walkers out there when I uh…jumped you.”

“Thanks?” He looks at the backpack then back to you as you sit with your back against the wall, knees to your chest. “Is it just you here?” Your eyes meet his, unsure if you should answer him. “I’m Glenn.” He doesn’t push for the answer, taking a different approach. “What about you?”

“Y/n.” You answer after a second, “it’s just me.”

“You’re pretty young.”

You snort a laugh. “Says you.” He smiles.

Glenn cracks his knuckles. “How many walkers have you killed?” You tilt your head.

Shrugging, you pick at the dirt under your nails. “I don’t know, a lot.”

“How many people have you killed?”

“These are pretty weird getting to know you questions man.” You muse before dropping your smile. “Just one.”


You look down at your shoes, head resting on your knees. “She asked me to. She didn’t want to turn.” Glenn nods slowly, relating to the pain of losing someone.

A brief silence passes between the two of you. “I have a community.” You look up and over to him. “A huge prison with thick walls and everyone’s kept well fed. I think you’d like it there.”

“You’re just taking in strays like me?”

Glenn smiles. “No one can make it alone anymore.” He justifies, standing up and cracking his back. “I’m just saying, you’re free to come with me. We’ll get you settled in and dinner tonight’s some kind of soup if I remember right.” He offers, watching you weigh your options.

“You’re not mad that I jumped you?”

He shakes his head. “If anything it was kinda impressive. You’d be a good fighter.” He reaches his hand out to you. “So…what do you say?”

You look at his hand before taking it, allowing him to pull you to your feet. “I’d say I’m in.”

A little over a week flies by since you arrived at the prison. Everyone welcomed you with open arms when Glenn brought you in. The first day there you stuck close to Glenn, listening to him talk about people he’d introduce you to. Since the first day, you’d slowly branched out to talk to people without Glenn.

“What we looking at loser?” You turn your head with a smile to see Glenn walking up. After yet another failed attempt at sleep, you snuck out to sit in the grass of the courtyard. Glenn had gone to check up on you only to find your bed empty, which has led him here.

“Stars and clouds idiot.” You state, gesturing with one hand towards the dark sky. In the full moonlight, it was easy to see the clouds as they pass. “Obviously.”

Glenn sits beside you, nudging you with his elbow. “Shut up.”

“Hey, you asked.” You raise your hands in defense. You turn your attention back to the sky. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For everything. For taking me in after I jumped your ass.” You tease, leaning away when he goes to push you.


“Okay, mom.” You mock, “but seriously. Thank you, Glenn.” He smiles, reaching over and dragging you closer to him.

“No problem loser.”
