#glenn rhee x you


Request:hi i was wondering if i could request a glenn x reader in the later seasons where the reader is new to alexandria and is quiet/shy but is still tough and smart and impresses the group at times, and ends up becoming close with glenn? please :) i feel like there aren’t enough glenn fics he’s my favorite

A/N: I feel like I really missed the mark here but it came out kinda cute so I kept it.

The Walking Dead

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You had been more than grateful when Deanna put you on the gardening committee. A nice, quiet, assignment that was in stark contrast to the hell that you had endured outside the walls. It felt eerily like the old world in a way that you found more comforting than strange. No one expected you to go back out there and face down walkers or fight off other communities who were threatening to encroach on your home. All you had to do was wake up every morning and go to the garden and help make things grow.  

“How’s it going?”  

Still, there were times, like when Glenn stopped by the garden and lingered a little longer than he had to on his way to wherever he was going, asking about your day or how you felt you were fitting into life in the wall, that you wished you were just a little bit braver.  

“The strawberry seeds Carol brought me last week are starting to sprout a few leaves,” you replied, glancing over at the strawberry pots that you had on the steps of the back patio. The garden was made from the backyards of two empty houses, one of which Deanna had offered to you. You envied Glenn sometimes, and his family, for having people around. At the end of the night, when you went home, it was empty and you were reminded that you were alone. “It’s a long way from actual strawberries-”

“That doesn’t matter,” Glenn cut in, “I mean, just the leaves are a good sign. Any good news feels like a weight off my shoulders.”

“I’m sure, especially going out there everyday. I mean, I don’t go out myself but it’s nice to have something to return to.” You wiped your hands against your gardening apron as you stood there.  

The sun was getting lower quickly, blue hour settling in around you. The spring days were hotter than you remembered them and you lost time in the afternoon trying to avoid sun burn and exhaustion.  

“You should come out with us sometime,” Glenn had breached the subject before, always casually like this and always accepting when you turned down the offer. You knew that he was mindful of the time you’d spent out there and any trauma that you were still working your way through. He still asked though, as if it was the most normal thing in the world to offer, as if he was asking you to go to the mall with him or somewhere similar.  

“I don’t think I’m ready for that.” You replied honestly. You’d heard from a few of the more gossip-hungry people in the community that Deanna’s son Aiden had died outside the walls with Glenn, before you had been found on a scouting mission.  

“Well,” he clasped his hand over the handle of the shovel sticking up from the ground, leaning against it just enough that it didn’t tip over, “in case you ever change your mind, it wouldn’t have to be everyone. Maybe just the two of us or something? There’s a few houses outside that are still pretty stable, nice to walk around sometimes.”  

That was a new offer, usually he just left you to your work and didn’t try to push. Not that this was full on pushing. “I’ll think about it.”  

Glenn lingered a moment longer before telling you goodbye and heading for the house he lived in. You’d see him later in the night, once the light fully died and the streetlamps flickered on, Rick had called a meeting in the morning and you knew that once he and his family started to congregate at the small make-shift chapel, so would everyone else. You’d have a quick and quiet meal, washing up after a long day of tilling weeds and planting what you were confident would grow up first. It was hard to tell exactly what time of year it was, only that the cold was finally ending but it was hotter than you expected.  

Once you were washed up (and recovered from feeling slightly horrified that Glenn had seen you looking so exhausted and sweaty, not that he hadn’t seen you looking worse) and dressed, the streetlamps were on so you headed to the chapel. You weren’t too bothered getting there early but you avoided Gabriel, heading inside and taking a seat near the middle while he was outside talking to people.  

“Grabbed a good seat already?” Glenn asked, placing his hand on the back of the pew you were sitting in, his knuckles brushing your shoulder blade.  

“Oh yeah,” you tilted your head, looking up at him, “I figured there wasn’t much to do at home once I finished dinner.” You scooted over further into the pew, “do you wanna sit?”

“Thanks,” he slid in and angled his body toward you. A few other people filed into the chapel, talking quietly to each other as they found seats of their own. “What’d you have for dinner?”

“Nothing special…I’ve been trying to make the harissa sauce I used to make…before this. I think I perfected it.” You replied, “and I was thinking about your offer to go out…maybe, if you wouldn’t mind taking me fishing. I remember seeing a river not far off…it should be around fishing season, if I’ve got my time of year right.”  

“On one condition,” Glenn posed, “we have dinner together.”  

“Looking for a free meal?” You joked.  

More people came in, sitting around the two of you, and Rick headed up to the front of the room with Deanna to talk about the week passed and the one ahead. You got bored of the chapel meetings even though you knew they were important.  

Glenn shrugged beside you, “looking to spend some time with you,” he replied. When he’d first met you, out in the woods on a canvassing mission with Daryl and Aaron, he’d been shocked to see someone (even though he knew there were encampments around) but he’d been the one to coax you back to Alexandria. You were closed off and cautious around everyone, himself included, but he was persistent in making sure you felt like you were fitting in and comfortable and like this place could be a home to you as well. In that amount of time, he’d seen you grow into someone more confident and happier than you said you’d been in a long time and he knew that his attraction was more than friendly.  

If this was years earlier, if he was still at the Greene Farm or even back in Atlanta, he wouldn’t have been so confident himself. But he was a different person now too.  

“What a coincidence,” you joked, leaning close to Glenn to whisper the last part as Rick started speaking, “I was looking to spend some time with you too.”


