#global affairs

“Nothing is more annoying than the image much of the world has of American presidents: a heroi

“Nothing is more annoying than the image much of the world has of American presidents: a heroic action figure, a kind of cross between Harrison Ford, Clint Eastwood and Bruce Willis, with limitless power”

-Aaron David Miller, on the misconception about the US & the world that drives him crazy

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  • cocaine Uruguay, like many countries in Latin America, is struggling to fight against black-market drug dealers that are selling drugs like cocaine and the crack-like pasta basica, and in recent years has seen an uptick in crime as a result.
  • marijuana In an effort to push drug users away from the harder stuff, the country is currently debating whether to start selling marijuana to adults, tax it, and use the taxes to pay for drug rehabilitation. Think this would work, guys? source

I don’t think you could “sell” legalization anywhere in the United States without diverting massive portions of the tax revenue to fund schools, infrastructure improvements, etc but there’s no reason that a portion of those taxes couldn’t also fund a program like this too. Personally, I think it’s a brilliant idea, and feel like a bit of a moron for having never thought of something like this before.


Remember Greece’s Golden Dawn political party? You know, the one with the guy who channels Hitler when he speaks, and won 21 seats in recent parliamentary elections? They’re back in the headlines again after spokesman Ilias Kasidiaris assaulted candidates from the rival SYRIZA and Communist parties during a televised debate. (Jump to 1:10 in the video. It’s crazy.) A warrant has been issued for Kasidiaris, who is also scheduled to go on trial Monday for his role in a separate mugging incident. source

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