#gloria cohen


Mystery: Pentagrams and Demonic Symbols 
Updated: 8/16/16


1. Keith Dabic’s band, Hastur Rising, features “Satanic” symbols on their album covers. (1x03)

2. Alex describes Simon Reese’s room as having numbers and symbols drawn on one of the walls in black crayon or chalk. Near the middle, there is a pentagram in a double circle. (1x06)

3  In that same episode, a pentagram within two circles, arcane symbols, and numbers are found in a book that Trent has. Trent denies drawing them. The implication is that somehow, Simon Reese has drawn them. (1x06)

4. While they are at Three Rivers, Trent suffered a seizure while Alex was interviewing Simon Reese. In his room, they find the pentagram within a double circle, but this time, bigger– almost six feet tall. (1x06)

5. Dr. Strand and Alex visit the cabin where Sebastian Torres had been found. Strand says it looks like someone had been trying to summon a demon, based on the numbers and their configuration, placed around a shadowy face just like the one that had previously been found in Sebastian’s closet. Strand describes the face as “demonic… it’s what’s known in ancient literature as an elemental… Asog, Aka Manah. Grigori.” (Grigori being an arch-demon encountered in the exorcism of Jessica Wheldon.) The cabin also features the pentagram motif, a devil’s door, as well as a spot where sunlight creates a cross at certain times of the day. (1x07)

6. Later, Alex questions Simon about the symbols they found in the cabin. Simon states that it wasn’t a pentagram, and asks her if the symbols were found in a church. When Alex says no, Simon replies, “Well, somebody was worshiping… something.” (1x07)

7. A Ouija-like demon board is found to have a pentagram in a double circle on its underside. It is also covered in other symbols and numbers. (1x08)

8. Numbers, symbols, and a pentagram are found carved into the floor under Katie Yi’s bed. Alex notes that it is “certainly similar” to those she encountered with Sebastian Torres and Simon Reese. (2x01)

9.Wendy Hochman finds a pentagram in two concentric circles with strange symbols around them under her son, Robbie’s, crib. Alex notes that they are the same symbols previously seen in the cases of Sebastian Torres, Simon Reese, and Katie Yi. (2x03)

10. In 2x03, Gloria Cohen, rare book dealer and apparent demon fangirl, describes the book found on the poacher/ potential Brother of the Mount from Colville National Forest.

Cohen: The spells in this grimoire are actually quite unique. The first half of the book is filled with cure-alls, medicines, mostly boiled roots and tree branches and the like, but it’s the second half of the book that’s quite… compelling. It appears to be a collection of ways to bring demons into this world. There’s a lot of talk of portals and symbols, things you can draw on the floor or the walls, ways to open a gateway to the other side.

Alex: Hell?

Cohen: I think we can safely assume they’re talking about Hell, yes.

11.  “Arcane” symbols are found all over the walls, obscured in blood, in the room in which Maddie Franks was murdered. (2x05)

12. Alex describes the following scene at the exorcism of “John”:

Alex: It was hard to get a clear frame, due to the shaky camera. But there, on the wall opposite John’s feet, were symbols. Numbers. Circles. Pentagrams. And at the center, what appeared to be a face. A face with the eyes where the mouth should be, and the mouth where the eyes should be. This was not a church. This was something else entirely. (2x07)

13. Steve the Dungeon Master TL;DRs about how pentacles are related to the Golden Ratio, sacred geometry, and divine order. (2x08)

14. A pentacle within a double circle and strange equations are found at the scene of Edward Lewis’s murder. (2x09)

15. Likewise, the same pentacle within a double circle and numbers are found at the site of the apparent suicide (but probably murder) of eight Brothers of the Mount in West Waddell Creek State Wilderness, CA. (2x09)

16. Simon Reese leaves a voicemail for Alex in the season 2 finale:

“I’m sure by now you’ve realized the interconnectedness of all things. Or, at least the interconnectedness of your things. The children, the shadows, the doors, they’re all… they’re here for Him.

“Some call him the Adversary, some call him other things, but if you build it, he will come. And when he does, he brings chaos, and madness, and death.

"What you’re calling the Unsound? That wasn’t what you thought it was. You weren’t going to die within a year. That was only the first gate. There are five gates, Alex. You have to hear all five in a row in order to be infected.

"You see, Alex, it’s a curse… it’s a virus. The end is not coming with a bang, but within each of us. Those who hear the five movements of the Mysterium, in order, will be followed by a darkness, by evil. When they turn out the lights, their darkness will be a little darker than most. When they look into the shadows, they’ll see a little farther than most. And when the time is come, they will enter his kingdom, and the world will be lost. Goodbye, Alex.”  (2x12)
