#gloria crandall

 Nancy Drew Posthumous Characters || Secret of the Old ClockJosiah CrowleyHe was this old man that l Nancy Drew Posthumous Characters || Secret of the Old ClockJosiah CrowleyHe was this old man that l

Nancy Drew Posthumous Characters||Secret of the Old Clock

Josiah Crowley
He was this old man that lived next door. He died last year. He spent most of his time here at the Inn, and he led my mom and me to believe that he’d left a lot of money for us in his will. He gave us a clock, and afterwards, he’d always point to it and get this little twinkle in his eye and say, “Time will tell.” But when they finally found his will? He didn’t leave us a penny.

Gloria Crandall
Gloria and me, we were best friends, ya know. The two of us ran this swell little dress shop over in Capital City. But then, she got hitched and I didn’t, and the next thing I know, she’s writing me saying it would sure take a load off her mind if I could take care of her little girl should something ever happen to her.

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