#go listen to the thing ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤



Oh hey. what, more Drarry podfic? This is self care for me at this point.

This fic by @bixgirl1 has such angst and tenderness and gorgeousness. Reading it aloud was all I wanted to do today. So I did.

Title: Five Little Things

Author: Bixgirl1

Read by: Me aka RattleandHum

Relationship: Draco/Harry

Rating: T

Summary: Harry was supposed to be good at this.

Run time: 35 minutes

Note from me: it’s Drarry. It’s Harry looking after Teddy. It’s Draco looking after Teddy. It’s Draco looking after Harry. It’s the best. Good day.

I’m– just–
