#god harvest

Ah kiddo, you flew too close to the sun  We had an arc with an old god relic that enthralled people

Ah kiddo, you flew too close to the sun  

We had an arc with an old god relic that enthralled people by showing them dead loved ones in an attempt to coax them to off themselves. My players broke it-but it lashed out and showed them one of the main NPC’s more traumatic memories. Nothing screams “sibling bonding” more than holding the body of your teenager brother am i right fellas!

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Sometimes u make a character that just constantly suffers from Sleepy Bitch Disease 

Sometimes u make a character that just constantly suffers from Sleepy Bitch Disease 

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When all the people u hired on a whim are either a) horny b) messes or c) both

When all the people u hired on a whim are either a) horny b) messes or c) both

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