#god i miss these two




Date video was published: 07/04/2014 (X)

DNP Main Channel Rewatch: 232

Oh boy, another Krave video. Phil promoted this one as “actually left the house,” lol. Dan also tweeted it out of course. This was filmed in mid-June, I believe, thanks to this random Phil tweet. Also they had lots of help filming and editing this one, according to the description! Their friends Ciaran and Alex filmed, and Jack Howard did some of the editing.

  • 0:03 - lol at him using Dan’s face to express his displeasure at the 8am doorbell, I guess?
  • 0:11 - I think scared is a reasonable reaction at this point
  • 0:19 - Phil injuring himself with a spoon is…somehow not that surprising
  • 0:35 - “you’ll need a friend” of course. And they already know who it’s going to be because they’ve sent the dinosaur onesie too.
  • 0:46 - I don’t think Dan’s dignity ever recovered…hence why his Krave videos are all privated now.
  • 0:49 - I keep noticing Dan’s tongue-thing now!
  • 0:52 - lol at Dan’s face at “animal personas”
  • 1:00 - the people who run this pool must have been like…wtf is happening.
  • 1:32 - Dan just waiting to see what Phil’s going to come up with
  • 1:49 - lol at them using the pool showers for the reveal
  • 1:55 - I don’t believe “water shoes” are a real thing. I have never seen or heard of them outside of this video. This is what Dan chose to tweet and comment on the video about too:
  • 2:14 - the dramatic music combined with the hilariously awkward entrances is great
  • 2:20 - “battle dance” I love it.
  • 2:37 - poor Dan, he really had no chance
  • 2:46 - Phil with the Gravity reference there
  • 3:02 - Phil at least has moved…slightly. As soon as those onesies get wet though they must be really heavy, yikes.
  • 3:13 - and Dan with the Titanic reference. I’m shocked he managed to balance for even a minute.
  • 3:15 - “he’s doing it” Phil sounds shocked and impressed
  • 3:35 - the dramatic music is great. It really can’t be that easy to swim in the onesie though,
  • 4:01 - this whole video is so awkward, honestly
  • 4:05 - Phil is laughing so much. Would love to see the look on Dan’s face here.
  • 4:27 - Phil just completely ignoring Dan hahaha
  • 4:43 - Dan must have half-re-straightened his hair after that
  • 4:56 - “my tail is still damp” …alrighty.
  • 5:15 - “you have to pay” hahaha
  • 5:28 - Somehow they had to get those water shoes back to their flat…I have questions. Also: Dan’s eye crinkles
  • 5:48 - of course Dan has a challenge too. This is the “extinction race” video that is privated now (sadly).
  • 6:06 - of course there’s a forfeit

This is somehow very awkward and yet entertaining at the same time. Definitely more scripted/staged than Phil’s usual videos.

As I said, Dan’s challenge video is privated now but was posted just a week after this one. I think it was filmed in mid-June too, possibly just the day after this one. PJ helped with Dan’s video and was with DNP then, and even posted a vlog from it.

I remember the first time I saw this and I just couldn’t stop laughing for the life of me
