#god ill never forget how stupid crazy i went reading this



Mafia!Jamil x Bartender!Reader

You spot him as he comes in, picking him out from the crowd before he even makes it to you. It’s Viper, your regular, the one who comes slithering back to you night after night. You know him well after all these evenings, meeting with him again and again.

Tonight he’s got a limp as he saunters over to your bar, favoring his right side and pressing a hand to his face. Another fight, it seems. You get to work mixing up his usual as he approaches.

A smile tugs at your lips as you raise an eyebrow. “Another fun night?” you ask, setting his favorite drink down in front of him as he sits down.

“You know it.” He winks as he picks up the glass, but his charming smile twists into a grimace. “Damn…”

You lean on the counter, resting your head on your hands. “Got a little careless this time, hm?”

His expression sours slightly. “I was sloppy,” he spits, gulping down his shot. Eyeing you, the bitterness in his gaze melts away, his frown curling into a smirk. “But you’ll patch me up, won’t you?”

You lean over the bar and take his loose tie in your hand, pulling him closer. Your faces are mere inches apart. “Of course,” you purr, and you press your lips to his.

The enthusiasm in his reciprocation is quite telling.
