#god im so tired of pro-shippers



If I find out my mutual/friend is pr0ship, no. I’m not looking past that. I’m not gonna be friendly around someone who romanticizes abuse and trauma that many children have went through and have had their health and lives ruined by. Yes, it may be “just fiction”, but it’s a fictional depiction of an adult and a child, and yet these people imagine a relationship between them in a positive, cutesy/sexual light. It says a lot about someone if they enjoy such things, even though they say “I don’t condone them irl”. Yes, one can avoid that content by blocking, but that still doesn’t make a pr0shipper’s actions okay or not gross. They’re still harming other people that come across their content, ESPECIALLY victims of c$a/p3d0philia. Many pr0shippers I’ve met don’t even censor their shit!! Even if it’s nsfw. It’s literally so easy to ship OTHER things that aren’t problematic.
Though, talking about those who use those ships as coping is a little different. It’s important to want to grow and be healthier to yourself and those around you. So as long as they plan on detaching from those coping mechanisms, they’re cool with me. I respect those who want to be better. However, if they think it’s a healthy way of coping and still plan to post about it/enjoy it despite it being problematic, that’s uncool. Get it?

There’s definitely more to say on this topic, but typing takes energy out of me. I probably made this cause i was bored or something.
