#god she wouldve been amazing



gods, you know, sometimes i just look at katara and spend ages just thinking about what an amazing fire lady she would’ve made, like

she would already have captured the hearts and minds of the common people through her duties as ambassador, like no way would she have sat back when there were probably countless other towns and villages like the one she saved as the Painted Lady, and with the Fire Lord backing her (just as her friend, at first–it was years before they really got their shit together, which is an incredibly fulfilling story of its own), and the best way to reach the heart of a nation–to effect real change–is through its people.

the nobility took longer to come around, of course–they had the most to lose by the fire nation’s sudden 180 turnaround from a colonialist superpower to a nation bound by its own borders and dedicated to restoring all that it possibly could of what was lost during the century of war.

a lot of them wanted to kill zuko outright. the ‘new ozai society’ was a credible threat, in fact. but there always seemed to be someone watching the fire lord’s back–a trio of kiyoshi warriors, a blind earthbender, a master swordsman with a boomerang for back up, the avatar himself… or, most often, a ferociously powerful waterbender who somehow always seemed to be in just the right place at the riht time to keep him safe.

as ambassador from the southern water tribe, katara was always welcome at council meetings, and zuko often relied on her presence, as much as his uncle’s–the reparations council was a far cry from the war council it had been under his father, and as reluctant as the nobles were to give up their lands and their riches, katara had the uncanny ability to make it seem palatable, even to a group of old men unaccustomed to being forced to give up all that they’d unjustly seized.


other times, she lost her temper, and it truly was a sight to behold. (it always fell short of a true agni kai challenge, but there were a few close calls. sometimes zuko couldn’t help but picture what it would look like to see katara kick the ass of whatever former general pissed her off thisweek.)

by the time their relationship was official and out in the open, though, the assassination attempts had long since ceased. the new ozai society had been routed, in a combined effort by the fire lord’s friends and the commoners among which the society members had tried to hide. the people had grown to love katara, and when zuko announced his intent to marry her, he wasn’t met with nearly as much resistance as he’d once feared.

(some of the nobles still weren’t particularly thrilled, but there wasn’t much that could be done about it. and even most of the upper classes had come to admit a grudging respect for the fire lord’s policies, as well as the growing united republic of nations that had sprung out of a few of the former colonies.)

katara never stopped fighting–for justice, for her friends, for peace, for her husband–and, in time, she became one of the most well-known and best-loved fire ladies in history. she had a statue in every major fire nation city, and in several other cities across the other three nations. her marriage to zuko was one of life-long friendship, devotion, and companionship, and it was often said of their relationship that it was the best symbol for peace, harmony, and unity, that could have ever come out of the end of that horrible war.

idk i just have a lot of fire lady katara thoughts and not a lot of places to dump them, so
