#god yes



all i need in my social interactions is to feel comfortable being very silly in front of a person … there is nothing better than being silly in front of a person


Do you sometimes read a fic writer’s work, and just… thank all the gods this person managed to get obsessed with the same fictional people you did?


I’ve talked in the past about how the American cowboy was often employed as a stock Exotic Foreigner™ archetype in Victorian pulp fiction, but when Dracula Daily finally gets to the part where Quincey Morris shows up is going to be a lot of folks’ first exposure to what that actually looked like in practice, and frankly I’m fascinated to see how Tumblr at large is going to react.



LOVE the trope of a captive finally getting ransomed back to their own side and they’re brought out in front of their friends for the first time in weeks, maybe months, squinting in the bright light, pale and bruised and limping, and they’re practically dragged towards their friends before being dropped unceremoniously at their feet, they try to tell everyone they’re okay or even make a joke, but start to sway and then pass out before they can finish speaking.

Everyone wants to rush forward and help them but Whumper is still in the room and Whumpee is still in danger until the trade is complete. The team watches an uninjured Whumpee helplessly, even though they’re only feet away.


I needed more content of them being idiot best friends cuz that’s what they are

lenin-it-to-win-it:kyouka loves and supports her trans big sister!


kyouka loves and supports her trans big sister!

Post link


Sometimes I see a woman’s hips and feel like I’m gonna die



We all thought Loki was the odd one out but it turns out Thor is actually the friendly jock middle child in a family of bitchy drama club goths


I just think they’re neat

Jon Bernthal / Rossy de Palma / Sevdaliza / Adrien Brody / Tamino / Sofia Coppola / Elisabeth Moss / Andy Samberg / Damiano David / Alba Flores
