
Congratulations @caramel_macchiatoo on an amazing #GoddessBodyCleanse ®️️ experience, thank you for

Congratulations @caramel_macchiatoo on an amazing #GoddessBodyCleanse ®️️ experience, thank you for sharing & supporting us #GoddessBodyClientele #GoddessBodyTestimonial #GoddessBodyCleanseTestimonial ⠀
When performing the Goddess Body Cleanse®️️, you are cleansing your body of toxic residues stemming from all the chemicals, preservatives, synthetic hormones and acid/mucus causing properties in various foods you may eat, and environmental toxins that we cannot control. .
It is these toxins, not your body, that cling to fat. Toxins are also what cause dull/blotchy/uneven/ or dimply skin, damaged hair, allergies, painful menstrual cycles & your emotions to roller coaster. They are a major stress on your body.
Junk & fast foods, and highly refined packaged foods with ingredient labels that read like a chemist lab cause the body to decrease in its optimal functioning overtime leading to: fatigue weight gain, blotchy #acne break out prone skin, limited attention and inability to #focus, digestive system sluggishness☹️, the onset of dis-ease & a host of #womenshealth issues
. ‘De-tox’ in essence is to #cleanse oneself of toxicity. Leaving you rejuvenated, and back to a more optimal state of #holistichealth and well being.

The Goddess Body Cleanse®️️ helps to:
Skyrocket your energy
Beat belly bloat & Reboot metabolism Better Focus, Clarity & Heightened Intuition
Effective #PMS relief
Heal/balance #Yoni & #femininehealth issues
Release waste (5-25lb dep. on health traits & size )
Banish #cravings
Feel tighter, trimmer & sexier Better, more regenerative sleep
Total Hair, Skin & Nails #GlowUp
Balance hormones & stabilize roller coaster of moods & get your #GoddessBody on w/ this #naturalhealth solution from ✨www.GoddessBody.net✨

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Yours in Light Love& Abundance⠀
Angela Elizabeth MS CHHP ⠀
Holistic Biologist Multi Genius ☥

#yoni #vegan #organic

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