#gods i love these movies sm


I just have to say that I absolutely love that Grimmel is a manifestation of what Hiccup would’ve become if he had killed Toothless when he had the chance.

I just think it’s genius writing to show this “what if?” story through the last villian, who, by the way, is by far the most vicious, most clever and most horrifying of them all.

And it’s also so subtle. Even though Grimmel says it at one point, I feel like you have to be part of the fandom to fully understand the implications of what he’s saying. That man, right there, standing in front of Hiccup, is a reflection of how things would’ve turned out if he had given up to hatred instead of a forbidden friendship.

And one of the main topics of this last film revolves around Hiccup understanding his own worth. Grimmel tries convince him that he’s weak for trusting and loving dragons, but the truth is that Hiccup has been amazingly brave from the very beginning when he put that dagger down and decided to follow his heart even though it could bring him terrible consequences. Grimmel took the easy way out while Hiccup put everything on the line standing up for what he believed was right.

It shows us that Hiccup has made the right choices from the beginning and that he has always been destined to become a great chief. Also it makes the story come full circle cause it connects the pivotal moment that started it all with the climax topic of the last movie.All of it is just stunningstorytelling.
