




i think my most favorite parallel from evermore as a whole is “never be so polite you forget your power; never wield such power you forget to be polite” and “what’s a lifetime of achievement if i pushed you to the edge? but you were too polite to leave me.”




a very underestimated dynamic for kyle and jason is Jason “hailed from gotham and batman, manipulator, liar and paranoid” Todd and Kyle “only being to ever master the seven emotions of the emotional spectrum and made it look easy” Rayner. especially since the former yield it as a shield and the later as a sword

on the one hand you have kyle who is always referred to as the more emotional one of the green lanterns, he’s the heart of the team, the one thinking with it, etc. and he is emotionally driven, not necessarily impulsive even if he tends to rush in, it’s more about thinking and making choices with what he feels, he’s not blinded by them like guy can get with his anger he just. chooses to go with his heart all the time. and it serves him, this highly emotional nature and openness to others often get him ahead in the plot of his comics, as much as it can cause him grief too. and he uses that, he’s aware of his nature and uses it for himself, very much like a weapon (ie: the white lantern) for better or for worse because he keeps trying to make meaningful relationships (love or friendship) despite having so much grief over lost ones

and then, on the other hand, you have jason who yes is relatively in touch with his emotions but is extremely private about them and only talks about it with a few chosen people, he’d rather swallow his tongue than talk about it in front of someone. yet most of his plans are pushed by his feelings and he does act on them (like his revenge on bruce) so he’s not repressing hardcore but still. don’t get me wrong he’s genuinely an asshole who enjoys causing mayhem around him but there’s also a part of him that uses the rough behavior to cover up the feelings and keep to himself, a shield. growing up in the streets and then with batman meant that not showing feelings was the better option for him

so what happens when you put those two together? someone highly in tune with his feelings, who uses them and displays them without shame and naturally forms relationships all the time along with someone who’s grown reclusive over them and rarely displays them?

listen, i just want a scene where jason tells kyle he can drop the facade around him and stop being so nice or whatever because that’s a thing jason would do, manipulating others like that. and when kyle just tells him “what facade? im just being myself” jason has to grapple with the fact that kyle just doesn’t lie about that apparently? he just goes with the flow of things? then it’s kyle’s turn to be horrified that jason is constantly monitoring what he does and says like some kind of obsessed control freak, is this how you live?


the syfy article about exu: calamity is Very good



okay but dean and cas forgetting each other but coming back and being in their home and seeing pictures and their items and dean being like??? are we ? uh. dating? and cas, also not know dean but feeling something still, says yes with no hesitation


he sees their cowboy hat pictures and he’s like oh my god i was in love with him??


Here’s some work I’ve done for @faerlie! (twitch here- please drop a follow if you can, he’s close to affiliate!)

These stream notifs are some of the first serious/proper animations I’ve done, so please stay tuned as I put out more in the future! I’m so happy Lie has given me this opportunity!


just saw tamas non-somnium design. why does. why does she have. wh



Jenny Slate // Little Weirds




i can’t believe movie star evelyn told CEO waymond “there’s a world where we are together and i am living my worst self” and he said i still want to be with you

AND i can’t believe that after hearing him say that evelyn recognized that exact same despair in joy and was able to save her too by telling her that no matter what, i will always want to be with you

evelyn and joy both think they’re too messy and unaccomplished and directionless to be worthy of love and waymond breaks the cycle by telling evelyn i would be so lucky to love you and evelyn tells joy the same thing, i am so lucky to have to here with me, and i’m so glad to be here with you

dadvans: thornescratch:The ever humble Backstrom refused to take much credit for his part in the comdadvans: thornescratch:The ever humble Backstrom refused to take much credit for his part in the comdadvans: thornescratch:The ever humble Backstrom refused to take much credit for his part in the com



The ever humble Backstrom refused to take much credit for his part in the commercial, which was shot at a rental home in Arlington last month.

“I showed up a little bit later,” he said. “Ovi and Nastya had been working on it for a while. It took a little while, but overall it went pretty smooth. They had to do the hard work.”

“I finished a whole box of cereal,” Ovechkin said. “It was fun. I had a good time.”

I will not be over this for a long time.

today’s internet experience was really an exercise in keeping the tinhat firmly off my head an u know what gang??? not sure if i passed

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