#gojo x blackreader


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➟︎Heartbreak in the Nanami household was foreign to the males that lived there as they were usually the ones doing the heartbreaking.

➟︎For you, however, that was a different story.

➟︎You had got your first boyfriend and it had been two months before you even introduced him to the boys. [which didn’t matter because they had launched an investigation of their own prior to the meet].

➟︎Nanami and Geto were more cordial in meeting the man that was your partner, despite not finding him good enough for you. You seemed happy and they wanted to maintain that happiness.

➟︎Choso was openly disgusted with him, not even bothering to act the slightest bit interested in him.

➟︎Gojo and Toji were just downright doggin the man out. Purposefully embarrassing him and being mean. To which they stopped after you cussed them out and smacked them both upside the head. 

➟︎Truthfully, your boyfriend already had his reservations about you living with five men, all of which are intimidating and handsome. But meeting them really didn’t help his fears.

➟︎Despite that, y’all managed to stay together three more months.

➟︎You mainly went to his place or hung out outside of the house, refusing to allow him near any of the five men you lived with.

➟︎Somewhere in those three months though, most of them had managed to get used to his presence and weren’t rude anymore. Still indifferent but better.

➟︎Until Choso stayed late on campus working on an architecture project and found your bf fucking one of the history professors in one of the study halls.

➟︎Choso immediately filmed a bit for evidence and immediately sent it to the guys. 

➟︎Gojo, Nanami, and Geto were immediately planning this man’s murder. Nanami was drafting up a letter to Dean with the video attached for proof. 

➟︎Geto and Gojo were seeing what they could do on their end to permanently end the boyfriend’s career and the professor’s. 

➟︎Like these niggas were planning to burn them hardddddd.

➟︎Meanwhile, little ole’ Toji was in the middle of a match and you had his phone, seeing everything that was said in their group chat. 

➟︎You weren’t being nosey outright but the boys kept blowing him up and out of concern, you looked. 

➟︎And by god were you fucking livid.

➟︎Like, if you had a gun you would’ve aired that study hall OUT!

➟︎You let one of Toji’s bodyguards know that you were leaving and you fucking dashed out of the building. 

➟︎You had the keys to Toji’s motorcycle and while he [and the others] would be enraged to find out that you drove the metal death trap without their knowledge and while angry, you didn’t give a fuck.

➟︎Zooming down the streets of Japan like the damn cops! 

➟︎It had been eight minutes since Choso sent that and the two were still in the study hall. Choso had spotted you pulling up as he was leaving and as if the motherfucker couldn’t get any paler, he looked dead. 

➟︎He teetered between hiding and stopping you but was ultimately spotted when you were heading into the learning commons. You looked at him and asked, in an eerily calm voice Where are they? 

➟︎And that nigga showed you exactly where they were.

➟︎At this point, Toji done won the fight and is wondering where the fuck you are as well as why your boyfriend is still breathing. Choso tells them you’ve shown up to campus and these Wonder Pet ass niggas are on the way!!!!

➟︎You’re already busting open the study hall door when Nanami yells at Choso to stop you before you fuck up your academic career. 

➟︎Just before you can even land a hit on the cheating bastard, Choso swoops you up and restrains you while you scream and cry in his hold.

➟︎It really hurt his heart to see you in this much pain and when the other four boys showed up to find the study hall empty and you sobbing into Choso’s arms, they knew then and there that them hoes was gonna pay.

➟︎But right now, making you feel better was their priority. 

➟︎Nanami took you from Choso and carried you back to the car with Geto driving and Gojo sitting next to him in the back, desperately trying to console your distressed form.

➟︎Choso and Toji followed after in their separate vehicles and quickly ran a nice bath for you while Nanami carried you up the stairs. 

➟︎For the first two days, you were definitely upset. And it was mainly because you felt played and unsatisfied with not fucking up they faces.

➟︎But on the third day, you got your justice.

➟︎Toji and Geto beat that man up so fucking bad, he looked unrecognizable. Gojo sent you the fight video as it took place in undisclosed fight locations.

➟︎Then Nanami personally emailed the Dean and saw him in person to deliver the hard copy of the traitorous acts. Resulting in the professor getting fired and her license revoked and your Ex getting expelled from the college and any other college falling under the same district. 

➟︎All while you stayed cuddled up in Choso’s comforting embrace watching comfort movies and shows, waiting for the rest of your boys to get home.

➟︎Safe to say that no one messes with their girl.                                          

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