#gonna check it out






I’ve been watching this Indian tv series called Betaal. It’s a zombie horror with the zombies being cursed East India Company redcoats - it’s fine, the pacing and editing isn’t great and it’s quite short but it has the funniest line in the world.

After 4 episodes of fighting and some slight (and correct) digs at the British empire, the main characters lights an old cannon aimed at the zombies and goes “This is what you call a hard brexit, motherfuckers.” Absolutely zero build up to that line, no previous commentary on current political events, just makes it all the better that they included that.

The evil “zombies-are-here” noise is a wee trumpet playing God save the queen hahahaha

That’s what the zombie Brits look like. They have a wee drummer and everything.

I think you made a mistake. That’s clearly Prince Phillip’s regimental portrait.
